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#REVISION_NOTES 🎯 HIGH YIELDING POINTS FOR VARIOUS COMPETITIVE EXAMS IN HOMEOPATHY 🎯 ⚫ POSTED BY : TEAM HOMEOPATHY MCQS 🔘 SUBJECT : HOMEOPATHIC MATERIA MEDICA 🔘 TOPIC : TRIO REMEDIES IN HOMEOPATHY 💠 TRIO REMEDIES IN HOMEOPATHY 💠 Dr. Nash.E.B was one of the pioneers known for his Trio remedies, which means three best remedies for a particular disease condition. It is Dr. Nash who gave much importance to trio remedies. It's because he gave much importance to therapeutic study Materia medica based on his clinical experience. The other important pioneers are

1. Dr. S. Hahnemann 2. Farrington.E.A 3. A.G. Clarke 4. N.M. Choudhary Different conditions for which Trio are known includes: 1. Anti-sporic 2. Asthmatic complications 3. Brain typhus 4. Burning pain 5. Cholera 6. Climacteric 7. Condylomata 8. Croup 9. Delirium 10. Drooping eyelids 11. Exhaustion 12. Flatulent 13. Fluent coryza 14. Glandular remedies 15. Restlessness 16. Offensive urine 17. Pain 18. Pneumonia 19. Profuse Expectoration 20. Profuse and purulent (the expectoration) 21. Profuse stringy expectoration 22. Masturbation and excessive venery 23. Sleepiness 24. Spasmodic cough 25. Weakened constitutions 26. Urging and colic

SOME IMPORTANT HOMEOPATHIC TRIOS REMEDIES 🔲 TRIOS WITH INTRODUCER INTO MATERIA MEDICA ARE KNOWN INCLUDES 🔲 1. Antipsoric – (Dr.S.Hahnemann) : Sulph; Calc carb & Lyco 2. Asthmatic complications – (Nash.E.B) : Arsenicum; Ipecac and Natrum sulph 3. Brain typhus – (Nash.E.B) : Apis mellifica; Helleborus niger and Zincum metallicum 4. Burning pain – (Nash.E.B) : Ars alb; Sulph & Phos 5. Cholera (Dr.S.Hahnemann) : Camph; Vertrm alba and Cupr 6. Climacteric – (Clarke.A.G) : Lachesis; Sepia and Sulphur 7. Condylomata – (Nash.E.B) Thuj; Staph. and Nitric acid 8. Croup – (Dr.S.Hahnemann) : Aconite; Spongia & Hepar sulph. 9. Delirium – (Nash.E.B) : Bell; Strom & Hyos 10. Drooping eyelids – (Nash.E.B) : Gels; Caust & Sepia. 11. Exhaustion – (Nash.E.B) : Ars alb; Muriatic acid & Carbo veg. 12. Flatulent – (Nash.E.B) : Lyco; Carbo veg & China 13. Fluent coryza – (Nash.E.B) Ars alb; Allium cepa & Merc 14. Glandular remedies – (Nash.E.B) : Con; Brom & Carb ani 15. Restlessness – (Nash.E.B) : Aconite, Arsenicum and Rhus-toxicodendron. 16. Offensive urine – (Nash.E.B) : Sepia; Nitric acid & Benzoic acid 17. Pain – (Nash.E.B) : Aconite; Cham & Coffee. 18. Pneumonia – (Nash.E.B) : Mercurius, Chelidonium and Kali carb. 19. Profuse Expectoration – (Nash.E.B) : Sanguinaria, Kali hydrod. and Stannum 20. Profuse and purulent (the expectoration) – (Nash.E.B) : Hepar sulph., Silicea and Tuberculinum 21. Profuse stringy expectoration – (Nash.E.B) Kali bich., Hydrastis and Coccus cacti 22. Masturbation and excessive venery – (Farrigton) : Nux vomica, Sulphur and Calcarea, 23. Sleepiness – (Nash.E.B) : Opium; Anti tart & Nux mox 24. Spasmodic cough – (Nash.E.B) : Drosera; Ipecac & cuprum. 25. Weakened constitutions – (Nash.E.B) : Ammonium carb., Cinchona and Carbo vegetabilis 26. Urging and colic – (Nash.E.B) : Rheum; Colocynth, and jalapa 🔲 TRIOS REMEDIES OTHER THAN NASH 🔲 ▪️Cholera; Camphor, Cuprum Met and Veratrum Alb. ▪️Portal Circulation and Skin; Sulphur, Sepia and Sarsaparilla. ▪️Prostration; Carbo Veg, Arsnicum Alb and Muriatic Acid. ▪️Stomatitis and Stomach disorders;Capsicum, Nux Vomica and Sulphur. ▪️ Croup Membranous; Kali Mur, Calcarea Phos and Kali Sulph. ▪️ Nose Stopped (Obstructed); Ferrum Phos, Kali Mur and Heparsulphuris. ▪️ Summer Heat; Bryonia, Glonoine and Natrum Mur. ▪️Debility Due to Summer Heat;Natrum Carb, Gelsemium and Lachesis or Antimonium Crud. ▪️Anaemia due to Menstruation; Cyclamen, Ferrum Phos and Pulsatilla. ▪️ Anemia due to Amenorrhoea; Pulsatilla, Sepia and Natrum Mur. ▪️ Anemia due to loss of vital fluid; Calcarea Phos, China and Phosphoricum Acid. ▪️ Scabies; Sulphur, Merc Sol and Causticum or Sulphur, Sepia and Calcarea Carb. ▪️ Varicose Veins; Hamamelis, Zincum Metellicum and Fluric Acid or Aloe Scortina, Hamamelis and Pulsatilla. ▪️ Urticaria in Obstinate cases; Graphites, Petroleum and Psorinum. ▪️ Urticaria; Sulphur, Sepia and Calcarea Carb. ▪️ Condylomata, Warts (Sycosis); Thuja, Staphysagria and Nitric Acid. ▪️ Restlessness and Pain; Rhus Tox, Aconitum Nap and Arsnicum Alb. ▪️ Epilepsy: Silica, Lachesis and Lycopodium. ▪️ Portal Circulation; Sulphur, Sepia and Lycopodium. ▪️ Anus Fistula; Sulphur, Silicia and Calcarea Flur or Calcarea Sulph, Arsanicum Alb and Silicia. ▪️ Injury Rheumatism and Stiffness; Arnica, Rhus Tox and Calcarea Carb. ▪️ Dyspepsia and Distension; Carbo Veg, China and Lycopodium. ▪️ Absorption of Exudation of Rheumatic Joints; Sulphur, Bryonia and Kali Carb. ▪️ Drooping Eyelids; Sepia, Causticum and Gelsemium. ▪️ Cataract; Silicia, Sulphur and Pulsatilla. ▪️ Eye Sight; Chelidonium 6, Sulphur Iodatum 4x and Iodum 30. ▪️ Ophthalmic Arthritic, Scrofulous; Sulphur, Calcarea Carb and Nitricum Acid. ▪️ Regulation of Menses; Crocus Sat, Viburnum Opulus and Opium. ▪️ Scanty Short duration Menses and sterility; Pulsatilla, Viburnum Opul and Opium. ▪️ Kidney Stones and Renal Colic; Lycopodium, Sarsaparilla and Kali Carb. ▪️ Gout; Silicia, Fluricum Acid and Calcarea Carb. ▪️ Digestive Organs; Nux Vomica, Sulphur and Cyclamen or Pulsatilla. ▪️ Joints and Legs; Rhus Tox, Ledum and Sulphur. ▪️ Veins; Hemamalis, Zincum Metellicum and Fluricum Acid. ▪️ Nose Eye and Bronchi; Euphrasia, Dulcamara and Sulphur. ▪️ Scabies; Sulphur, Causticum and Merc Sol or Sulphur, Sepia and Calcarea Carb. ▪️ Cancer of Skin; Phosphorus, Lycopodium and Arsnicum Alb. ▪️ To remove the bad effects of ice cream and ice water; Arsnicum Alb, Carbo Veg and Antimonium Crud. ▪️ Teething Trouble ;Aconitum Nap, Belladonna and Chamomilla.

🔲 TRIOS REMEDIES FREQUENTLY ASKED IN EXAMS 🔲 ❇️ TRIO’S REMEDIES BY DR. NASH ❇️ 🔘 Trio of climacteric remedies – Lach-Sep-Sulph 🔘 Trio of pleurisy – Acon-Bry-Sulph (Nash) 🔘 Trio of offensiveness – Merc-Kreos-Bapt (Nash) 🔘 Trio of Weakness – Ars- Mur-ac-Carb-v (Nash) 🔘 Trio of Spasmodic cough – Dros-Ip-Cupr (Nash) 🔘 Trio of Ptosis – Sep-Caust-Gels (Nash) 🔘 Trio for condylomata – Thuj-Staph-Nit-ac(Nash) 🔘 Three remedies for the treatment of chronic rheumatism and paralysis – Caust, Rhus-t, Sulph (Nash) ❇️ TRIOS OF HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES ❇️ ◆Trio of Thirstlessness: Apis, Aethusa, Pulsatilla. ◆Trio of Masturbation and Excessive venery: Nux vomica , Staphysagria , Bufo rana. ◆Trio of Croup: Aconite, Spongia, Hepar sul. ◆Trio of Restlessness: Arsenic, Aconite, Rhus tox. ◆Trio of Pain: Aconite, Coffea, Chamomilla. ◆Trio of Flatulence: Carbo veg, China, Lycopodium. ◆Trio of Burning pain: Sulfur, Arsenicum album, Phosphorous. ◆Trio of Condylomata: Thuja, Staphysagria, Nitric acid. ◆Trio of Offensiveness: Kreosote, Merc sol, Baptisia. ◆Trio of Cholera: Veratrum alb, Arsenic alb, Camphor. ◆Trio of Sleepiness: Ant tart, Gelsemium, Nux mos. ◆Trio of Offensive Urine: Benzoic acid, Nitric acid, Sepia. ◆Trio of Homeopathic Last Aid: Carbo veg, Arsenic alb, Muriatic acid. ◆Trio of Paralysis: Causticum, Rhus tox, Sepia. ◆Trio of Ptosis: Causticum, Gelsemium, Sepia. ◆Trio of Prostration: Carbo veg, Arsenic alb, Muriatic acid. ◆Trio of Hyper- aesthesia: Plumbum, China,Capsicum. ◆Trio of Chronic Rheumatism: Causticum, Rhus tox, Sulphur. ◆Trio of Warts: Causticum, Thuja, Dulcamara. ◆Trio of Delirium: Belladonna, Hyoscyamus, Stramonium. ◆Trio of Convulsions: Cuprum met, Cicuta virosa, Causticum. ◆Trio of Liver Remedies: Chelidonium, Aur Mur, Leptandra Virginica. ◆Trio of Anti-Scrofulous Remedies: Baryta Carb, Iodium, Bromium. ◆Trio of Diarrhea: Gambogia, Gratiola, Oleander. ◆Trio of anti-psoric: Sulphur, Calc carb, Lycopodium. ◆Trio of Asthmatic complications : Arsenicum; Ipecac and Natrum sulph ◆Trio of Brain typhus : Apis mellifica; Helleborus niger and Zincum metallicum ◆Trio of Climacteric : Lachesis; Sepia and Sulphur ◆Trio of Drooping eyelids : Gelsemium , Causticum & Sepia. ◆Trio of Flatulent : Lyco; Carbo veg & China ◆Trio of Fluent coryza: Ars alb; Allium cepa & Merc ◆Trio of Pneumonia : Mercurius, Chelidonium and Kali carb. ◆Trio of Profuse Expectoration : Sanguinaria, Kali hydrod. and Stannum ◆Trio of Profuse and purulent expectoration: Hepar sulph., Silicea and Tuberculinum ◆Trio of Profuse stringy expectoration : Kali bich., Hydrastis and Coccus cacti ◆Trio of Spasmodic cough : Drosera; Ipecac & cuprum. ◆Trio of Weakened constitutions : Ammonium carb., Cinchona and Carbo vegetabilis ◆Trio of Urging and colic : Rheum; Colocynth, and jalapa. REFERENCES - Dr S Hahnemann Dr E B Nash Dr EA Farrington Dr A G Clarke Dr H CAllen Dr J T Kent ⬛ SOURCE : INTERNET. ⬛ NOTE: THESE NOTES ARE PREPARED ONLY FOR STUDY PURPOSE . ⬛ POSTED BY : TEAM HOMEOPATHY MCQS [ ONLINE HELPING HANDS FOR PREPARATIONS OF VARIOUS COMPETITIVE EXAMS IN HOMEOPATHY LIKE AIAPGET, UPSC, STATE PSC, NRHM EXAMS ETC ] ♦️ SINCE : 2014 - 15.


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