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🔳 SARCODES 🔳 Sarcodes are medicines prepared from healthy animal tissues and secretions. They belong to the animal kingdom. Hence it is important to remember that when you use a sarcode, you use an animal remedy and you use the class of animals from lower to higher. ◾The journey of sarcodes is from physiology to pathology i.e. we use sarcodes as a source of healthy secretion or tissues where it is assumed that normal homeostasis is present in the animal system. We use sarcodes as therapeutic agents for pathological conditions. This is in line with Hahnemann’s evolution of disease from functional to structural, from common to gross, from physiology to pathology. 👉 NOTE : ▶ In Greek the term ‘Sarcode’ means fleshy. ▶ Sarcodes imply protoplasm of animals as distinguished from vegetable protoplasm. ▶ In homeopathy some of the Sarcodes are proved medicines. ▶ They are obtained from healthy endocrine or ductless glands or normal secretions of living human organs & lower animals. ▶ The secretions are mostly hormones. ▶ Sarcodes are medicines prepared from healthy animal tissues and secretions, especially milk and hormones. ▶ In fact Sarcodes belong to animal kingdom ▶ Sarcodes include products of animal glands and endocrine glands as a whole and secretion. ▶ Hormones are quick acting and only a minute amount may have a profound effect on metabolism. Hormones are either proteins (eg:- insulin) steroids (eg.cortisone) or relatively simple organic compounds (eg. Adrenalin) DOCTRINE OF SIGNATURE 🔳 CHARACTERISTICS 🔳 ◾ Sarcodes belong to the less proved group of remedies. ◾ Sarcodes are mainly stated to be the organopathic drugs. ◾ All sarcodes are deep acting remedies. ◾ Deficient functioning or hyper functioning. ◾ Related to sources of preparation. ◾ Headache worse on waking up in the morning, throbbing with nausea and vomiting. ◾ Obstinate constipation. ◾ Aggravation due to intake of milk. ◾ Nervousness ◾ Obesity ◾ Profuse urination with increased thirst. ◾ Tendency to over growth. ◾ Malignancy HISTORY ◾Various organs of animals have been used for medical purposes. Although it is not yet widely known that they were used during ancient times, the use of orchitic substances for the treatment of obesity was noted down by Sushruta, who lived sometime between 400 and 500 B. C. This is probably the first mention of Organotherapy and from that time, frequent references have been made in literature. ◾Sarcodes and nosodes are groups of drugs that were added to homeopathic medicine in the 1830s. Most of the substances used in these regimens have a long medical tradition. This type of homeopathy was introduced in the 1930s by the English Physician, Dr. Conan, for the treatment of acute or chronic diseases of the digestive system. It was later extended to other pathologies. Next, a French physician Dr. Noble used secretions of insulin hormone produced by the pancreas for the treatment of diabetes. He later used other substances for the treatment of a variety of conditions with great success. Immediately after this introduction, Organ homeopathy became widely used due to its simplistic approach and phenomenal results. ◾Definition and its function in the body

The treatment of diseases with the use of sarcodes derived from animal organs is known as organotherapy. ◾This procedure is usually carried out by using a combination of therapeutic agents and procedures. ◾Animal protoplasm is the term used for the secretion of protoplasm from glands or organs of animals. ◾Few of the functions are mentioned below: • Balances organs, glands or tissue activity • Slows down accelerated organs, glands or tissue activity • Stimulates sluggish organs, glands or tissue activity • Slows down accelerated organs, glands or tissue activity • Will up regulate and restore hypothyroid balance OR can down regulate the overall activity of the hyperthyroid gland (using thyroid hormone extract or Thyroidinum) • In cases where organs are damaged due to autoimmune issues, organotherapy substitutes for the organ and accepts the autoimmune antibodies, leaving the organ to stimulate its own restoration. FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLE ◾Organotherapy is an up and emerging branch of Homeopathy that utilizes the utilization of organ remedies, made up of the health tissues of animals, to treat the patient, performing on the basic principles of Homeopathy, i.e. like cures like. It supports the thought and understanding that organs answer those tissues that have an affinity for equivalent tissues within the physical body, regardless of what species their origin. ◾Organotherapy is based on two fundamental laws. (1) Identical organs. (2) Activity by potency. ⚫ 1.IDENTICAL ORGANS : When a diseased organ is present, an identical healthy organ extract with corrected information in the form of mRNA is administered to rectify the organ. ⚫ 2. ACTIVITY BY POTENCY : Organ medicine is used to strengthen organs, glands, and tissues weakened by toxins. ◾A low potency is used to stimulate an underactive organ, gland, or tissue. ◾Sarcodes have a very notable peculiarity. They always exist in molecular form within the organism, and participate in various molecular interactions being a part of different biochemical pathways. They become homeopathic drugs only when they are not administered in "molecular forms", but as potentized forms above 12c. In molecular forms below Avogadro limit, they will be considered only as physiological products, not as homeopathic drugs. GENERAL MECHANISM ◾It stimulates organ functions and should help to stop antibodies from being formed against those particular organs. The organs can recognize the proper cells and can start reproducing them from the Organotherapy stimulation. ◾The response of a malfunctioning or diseased organ to the Organotherapy (sarcode) remedy is that the function of the organ or tissue is then supported in its healing, regulation and balance. Organotherapy ◾sarcodes also can act as if to exchange an organ which was removed partially or totally with surgery like women with a hysterectomy surgery, or removal of their ovaries. ◾It also wants to help with organ drainage so as to revive function to organs that are suffering from progressing disease. This may be especially important for the kidneys and liver. HORMONAL MECHANISM Sarcodes having hormonal origin undergo two sorts of chemical interactions: ◾1. “On-target interactions” and a couple of “Off-target interactions” “On-target interactions” are essential parts of important processes occurring between natural ligands and their genuine targets. They’re of two types, ▶ 1. Molecular identification and binding, ▶ 2. Actual chemical interactions. “Off target interactions” are people who occur between ligands and wrong targets i.e. inhibitory pathways. As sarcodes have molecular imprints they act as interfering agents in off targeting interactions. E.g. Thyroidinum 30. INDICATIONS ◾As a complementary to the constitutional remedy-both as an acute or chronic e.g. Thyroidinum as an acute or chronic Natrum mur in an acute case of urticaria or Thyroidinum as a deeper acting constitutional remedy in an acute case of angina pectoris which was treated with Adrenalinum. ◾As an organ stimulator when the affected organ is functionally or structurally affected e.g. Pituitarium glandula as an intercurrent organ remedy in a case of pituitary microadenoma. ◾Clinical conditions, where the organ loses its very function or structure or conditions characterized by atrophy e. g. cirrhosis of liver, spinal cord neoplasm, cerebellar degeneration etc. and one can prescribe Hepar suis, Medulla spinalis or Cerebellum respectively in such cases. ◾Clinical conditions characterized by hyper-functioning of organs e.g. adrenal hyperfunction (like cushing syndrome, adrenal cortex adenoma or adrenal cortex carcinoma etc.) where one can use a sarcode like Adren. It may be overgrowth, acromegaly or obesity. On the same analogical thinking, malignant pathologies also come under pathogenesis of sarcodes. ◾When a single organ is the basis of general condition of serious order, a prescription of a sarcode can be thought of e.g. if a patient of myocardial ischemia has developed CCF and constitutional and organ remedies based on indications are not helping the case, a sarcode like Myocardium can be thought of or if a single diseased organ of kidney has caused systemic effects on the system, one can think to use a sarcode like Ren or an inveterate case that has suffered from multiple skin conditions (from simple dermatitis to psoriasis, for example) throughout the life of a patient and which has baffled many good prescriptions, a sarcode like Derma can be prescribed. ◾Paucity of symptoms in a case of either functional or structural type where it is difficult to find a constitutional remedy. ◾A case of the pathological museum where multiple vital organs are affected with structural pathologies in the system. ◾One can use many sarcodes during the treatment span, not in combination but singly in a sequential way. ◾The disease shows its ‘play’ in some organs that are bound together by a system e.g. A combination of diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism and PCOD in a case where the endocrinological system is affected. ◾Exorbitant investigatory reports in a functional or structural case e.g. high cholesterol, high bilirubin, high creatinine or blood urea etc. ◾Status quo condition in a pathological case when nothing ‘moves’ towards recovery after the administration of several remedies. ◾On the basis of past and family history of certain clinical conditions that might have a dynamic effect over the constitution e.g. history of hypo/hyper-thyroidism in family history or during pregnancy where one can prescribe Thyroidinum. ◾Preponderance of pathology with low susceptibility. ◾A case of advanced pathology where the vitality is at low ebb and it is inappropriate to prescribe a constitutional remedy (as it may result in a killer aggravation). ◾Preference should be given to a sarcode rather than a nosode in such cases as the fuse can be burnt with a nosode. ◾Clinical confirmation can be a source of the use of a sarcode e.g. Pituitarin in cases of delayed puberty and undeveloped breasts. ◾For the sake of detoxification. SARCODES : LIST OF REMEDIES ▶ Adrenaline ▶ Adrenocorticotropin ▶ Cholesterinum ▶ Corpus luteum ▶ Fel tauri ▶ Insulin ▶ Lecithine ▶ Lac caninum ▶ Lac felinum ▶ Lac vaccinum ▶ Lac vaccinum coagulatum ▶ Lac vaccinum defloratum ▶ Lac vaccinum flos ▶ Lac vaccinum fermentatum ▶ Lac vaccinum butyricum ▶ Oophorinum ▶ Pancreatinum ▶ Pepsin ▶ Thyreoidinum ▶ Valpis fel 🔳 MEDICINES 🔳 ⚫ 1. Sarcodes from whole endocrine glands ◾Thyroidinum -- of sheep or calf ◾Pitutarium postenium -- the posterior portion of the pituitary gland of sheep ⚫ 2. Sarcodes from Healthy Secretion 🔘 Hormones -- ◾ Adrenaline (Epinephrine) Hormone produced by the adrenal glands and may also be synthesized. Its synthetic salt “Adrenalin hydrocloricum”. ◾ Adrenocorticotropin (Syn-Acth, Corticotropin) A polypeptide hormone secreted by the pituitary gland which controls the adrenal glands. ◾ Insulinum A pancreatic hormone that controls “Sugar Metabolism” in the body ◾ Pepsinum A digestive ‘enzyme’ produced in the stomach, which converts proteins into peptones produced from the stomach of hog or pig (secretin) 🔘 Milk ◾ Lac felinum – cat’s milk ◾ Lac caninum – dog’s milk ◾ Lac vaccinum – cow’s milk ◾ Lac humanum – human breast milk ◾ Lac leoninum – lion’s milk ◾ Lac equinum – horse’s milk ◾ Lac caprinum – goat’s milk ◾ Lac delphinum – dolphin’s milk 🔘 Milk products ◾ Lac vaccinum – coagulated curd ◾ Lac vaccinum defloratum – skimmed milk ◾ Lac vaccinum flos – cream of milk ⚫ 3) Sarcodes from Extract ◾Orchitinum (Testes) ◾Oophorinum (Ovarian of cow, sheep or pig) ◾Pancreatinum (from pancreases of beef, containing digestive enzymes) ◾Corpus luteum ( from ovaries of pregnant animals) ⚫ 4) Other Sarcodes ◾ Cholesterinum – A principle Steroid in higher animals, main constituent of gallbladder & bile ◾ fel tauri -- Fresh Ox-gall ◾ Valpis fel -- Fresh fox-gall Placenta ◾ Ing Luvin -- Gizzard of a fowl ◾ Lecithin -- yolk of egg and animal brain ◾D.N.A ◾R.N.A 🔘 Sarcodes Derivatives ◾ Urea ◾ Uric acid ◾ Lactic acid CLASSIFICATION ◾1. BASED ON SOURCE OF SARCODES Sarcodes are prepared from. A. Healthy endocrine glands as a whole. B. Normal secretion from endocrine glands. C. Normal secretions from endocrine glands. D. Product (or extract) of animal glands and tissues. E. Healthy organs of animals. F. Others ◾2. BASED ON USE OF FREQUENCY A. Those which are of well-known and practically unquestioned therapeutic efficacy. B. Those which aren't documented but which, nevertheless, offer undoubted possibilities in medicine. C. Those which are used slightly, which are occasionally mentioned in medical literature, but so far have a relatively limited usage. SARCODES AND HUMAN SYMBOLIC LANGUAGE ◾We all know that the oldest, the most profound, the most universal of all symbols is the human body and the laws, elements and powers of the universe are epitomized in the human constitution. Everything, which exists outside of man, has its analogue within man. A man beholds in part that celestial effulgence (shining forth brilliantly) in which all creation is bathed. ◾Each emotion has a related organ or organs. Emotions are capable of causing physiological and anatomical alterations in organs. So, looking backwards, every pathological state can be traced back to its emotional origin. ◾Every organ has its secret meaning. ◾Each sarcode remedy carries within it the symbolic language of the human system and of the organs and this could be utilized for developing the theme and for selection of an appropriate sarcode remedy. ◾EXAMPLES Breast (s) : The human symbolic language of breasts represents mothering, nurturing and nourishment. We all know the importance of mother’s milk. It not only provides nutrition and protection to the child but also provides care and affection. Illnesses (like cysts, lumps, soreness, mastitis etc.) represent a refusal to nourish the self and putting everyone else first. We have here Lac group of remedies more than twenty-five, prepared from the milk of many animals. Indications of Lac group of remedies are related to deprivation of love, faulty nurturing, and forsaken and inferiority feeling. Colon : There is a symbolic language of colon of two types – fear of letting go and holding on to the past. When these two themes are available in a case, a sarcode like Colon can be thought of. Pituitary gland : Represents the control center. We all know that pituitary is important in controlling growth and development and functioning of other endocrine glands. It’s like the central government that controls the whole country. Anarchy at the center results in chaos at all levels and this is the theme with three sarcodes: pituitaria (glandula) anterior, pituitaria (glandula) and pituitaria (glandula) posterior. SARCODES : POSOLOGY ◾It depends on a particular case in hand that determines which potencies are to be used. ◾If sarcodes are used as organopathic remedies, they are to be used in low potencies in frequent repetition schedules. ◾If the mental symptoms are distinctly available at the cause, expression, disposition, mental state and concomitant levels, a sarcode can be used in high potency (usually infrequently). One should be wary of its chronic use if it is used below the Avagadro’s number. ◾Assessment of vitality is a pivotal point if one has to use a sarcode as an intercurrent remedy, PREPARATION ◾The steps have been described here with for sarcode preparation method Steps Of Sarcode Preparation Step 1: nature of material Sources: 1. from whole endocrine glands 2. from healthy secretions 3. from extract 4. other sarcodes Step 2 : safety Operation is carried out in stringent biosafety compliant environment with minimum handling using sealed containers and disposable auto-tip pipettes Step 3 : Removal and separation of other components • Filtration (Seitz filter) is done to get rid of cell debris, unidentified bacteria and large protein particles. • If the source material is obtained as scraping of animal or human tissues, the keratin component of skin is removed by boiling the scrapings with potassium hydroxide (KOH) in water medium. Step 4 : preparation of mother tincture • Soluble substances are infused directly in alcohol or in an alcohol/water mixture. This process is called "trituration". • Trituration proceeds until the ingredient has become fine enough to be soluble in alcohol or in both cases is known as the mother tincture. Step 5 : Dynamization of potencies • 1 part of the mother tincture is diluted in 99 parts of alcohol or in a mixture of water and alcohol. • This liquid is then succussed 10 times in its bottle by firmly hitting the bottle‟s base against a firm but resistive surface such as the palm of a hand or leather covered over book. The resulting liquid is called 1C potency (1 refers to 1st stage of dilution and C refers to its 1:1000 dilution ratio). • 1part of this 1C potency is again diluted and succussed in 99 parts of alcohol or water and alcohol mixture to produce a 2C remedy. • This serial of process of dilution and succession, called potentisation, is further repeated to produce increasingly higher potencies of the remedy. Step 6 : Safety check for human use Test for sterility for aerobic and anaerobic organism should be done before issue of any sarcode, for therapeutic use or for manufacturing of higher attenuation Step 7 : Lyophilization Lyophilization of the original stock is done so that sarcodes can be prepared in future, without any need to repeat initial steps. A centralized depository system preserves standardized raw material for future use KEYNOTES OF SOME IMPORTANT SARCODES IN HOMEOPATHIC MATERIA MEDICA

🔘 Adrenalinum ◾Extract of suprarenal bodies (Medullary part) C3 H3 A2 O3 ◾Adrenalin action is stimulation of the sympathetic nerve endings ◾Its chief therapeutic use depends on its vaso-constriction action; therefore a most powerful and prompt astringent and hemostatic. ◾ Hemorrhagic condition not due to defective coagulation of the blood. ◾ Therapeutically, Adrenalin has been suggested in acute congestion of lungs, Asthma, Grave's and Addison's diseases, arterio-sclerosis, chronic aortitis, angina pectoris, hemophilia chlorosis, hay fever, serum rashes, acute urticaria, etc. ◾ Dr. P. Jousset reports success in treating, homoeopathically, cases of angina and of aortitis, sub-acute and chronic. ◾ The symptom guiding to this is, Sensation of thoracic constriction with anguish. ◾ This, with vertigo, nausea and vomiting have been produced by the drug. ◾ Abdominal pain. Shock or heart failure during anesthesia, as it causes a very prompt rise of blood pressure by its action on nerve endings in the vessel wall. 🔘 Cholesterinum ◾C26 H44 O By Dr.wichelem Ameke ◾ The epithelium lining of gallbladder and the larger ducts ◾For cancer of the liver. ◾ Obstinate hepatic engorgements. ◾Opacities of the vitreous. ◾ Jaundice; gallstones. ◾ Cholesterine is the physiological opponent of Lecithin. ◾ Both seem to play some unknown part in the growth of tumors. ◾ Gallstones and insomnia. 🔘 Lecithinum ◾ From the yolk of egg and animal brains ◾ Lecithin has a favorable influence upon the nutritive condition and especially upon the blood hence its use in anemia and convalescence, neurasthenia and insomnia. ◾ Increasing the number of red corpuscles and amount of hemoglobin. ◾ Excellent galactagogue, renders milk more nourishing and increases quantity. ◾ Tuberculosis, causing marked improvement in nutrition and general improvement. ◾Tired, weak, short breath, loss of flesh; symptoms of general break-down. ◾ Sexually weak. 🔘 Orchitinum ◾ Testicular Extract. ◾ Sufferings of Climacteric, ◾ Debility. ◾ Sexual weakness. ◾ Senility. ◾ The use of a testicular extract in cases of senile decay and nervous breakdown was first proposed by Brown-Sequard, and formed one of the examples by which he illustrated his doctrine of "inner secretions. ◾ Orch. has been used with success, in the triturations, in climacteric sufferings; and in old-school practice in the sequelae of ovariotomy, in cases of debility, sexual weakness, and premature senile decay. 🔘 Oophorinum ◾ Extract from the ovary of cow / sheep or pig. ◾ Sufferings following the excision of ovaries -Climacteric disturbances. ◾ Ovarian cyst. ◾ Complaints > during menses (like zin lach) 🔘 Pancreatinum ◾ Extract of pancreatic & salivary glands of OX or sheep. ◾It is effective in conditions due to faulty action of the pancreas. ◾According to Dr. Burnett it is very effective in gout. It is effective for intestinal digestion. Pain an hour or more after eating. ◾Lienteric diarrhoea. ◾Diabetes, pancreatic. ◾ Diarrhea. ◾Mumps. ◾ Gout. ◾ Pancreas, disease of. ◾ Characteristics ▶ Pancreatinum has been used with success in conditions due to disease or faulty action of the pancreas on the analogy of Thyroidin and the other Sarcodes. 🔘 Pepsinum ◾ The Pepsin in general use is extracted from the stomach of the pig. ◾ Dyspepsia. ◾ Imperfect digestion, with pain in the region of the stomach, as observed in neurasthenia, diseases of the nervous system, acute protracted diseases, surgical diseases, traumatism, gastric cancer and ulcers. ◾ It should be remembered in marasmus of children who have been fed on artificial foods. ◾ It is useful in diarrhea of children and adults, dependent upon ingestion of the food. 🔘 Placenta ◾ When placental extract is administered to nursing mothers the amount of milk is increased, and the infant receiving this milk grows more rapidly. ◾It acts as a galactagogue. 🔘 Thyro-iodinum ◾ Iodothyronine. ◾ Clinical ▶ Goiter. ▶ Obesity. ▶ Urine, increase of. 🔘 Thyrotropinum [ THYROTROPIC HORMONE ] ◾ Action on the hypercholesterol level in the blood; this lowering of the cholesterol level is paradoxical, since the level is known to be low in Basedow's disease, and higher in cases of myxoedema. ◾ This is not an action which conforms to the law of similars, but an organo therapeutic action, which has the ability to stimulate or to slow down. 🔘 Thyreoidinum (dried thyroid gland of the sheep) ◾ In myxoedema and cretinism ◾ effective in undescended testicle in boys. ◾ Goiter, Mammary tumor, Uterine fibroids. ◾ Psoriasis associated with adiposity (not in developing stage). ◾ Skin dry, Eczema. 🔘 Fel Tauri ◾Increases the duodenal secretion, emulsifies fats and increases the peristaltic action of the intestines. ◾ Liquefies bile and acts as a purgative and cholagogue. ◾Disordered digestion, diarrhea, and pain in nape of the neck are among its chief symptoms. ◾ Obstruction of gall ducts. ◾ Biliary calculi. ◾ Jaundice. ▶ Stomach ◾ Eructations, gurgling in stomach and epigastric region. ◾ Violent peristaltic movements. ◾Tendency to sleep after eating. 🔘 Lac Caninum ◾ Symptoms erratic, pains constantly flying from one part to another changing from side to side every few hours or days. ◾ Very forgetful, absent-minded; makes purchases and walks away without them. ◾ Cross, irritable; child cries and screams all the time, especially at night (Jal., Nux, Psor.). ◾ One nostril stuffed up, the other free and discharging; these conditions alternate; discharge acrid, nose and lip raw (Arum, Cepa). ◾ Diphtheria and tonsillitis ◾ Throat : sensitive to touch externally (Lach.); < by empty swallowing (Ign.); constant inclination to swallow, painful, almost impossible (Mer.); pains extend to ears (Hep., Kali bi.); begins on the left side (Lach.). ◾Serviceable in almost all cases when it is required to dry up milk (Asaf. to bring back or increase it, Lac. d.). ◾Loss of milk while nursing without any know cause (Asaf.). ◾Backache : intense, unbearable, across super-sacral region, extending to r. natis and r. sciatic nerve; < by rest and on first moving (Rhus.); spine aches from base of brain to coccyx, very sensitive to touch or pressure (Chin. s., Phos., Zinc.). 🔘 Lac vaccinum defloratum ◾ Constipation: with ineffectual urging (Anac., Nux): feces dry and hard (Bry., Sulph.); stool large, hard, great straining, lacerating anus; painful extorting cries. ◾ A woman had taken 10 or 12 enemas daily, often passed 4 or 5 weeks without an evacuation, constipation of 15 years' standing. 🔘 Lac Delphinum ◾Calm during danger ◾Play and pleasure. ◾Circles. ◾Separation/Detached. ◾Clairvoyance. ◾sinusitis with vertigo 🔘 Lac Felinum ◾ Acute pain from vertex down left eye and temple ◾ Excruciating headache so that she runs from room to room. ◾ Shooting from inflamed eye to temple and eyebrows, aggr. early morning; hazy sight; dull iris. ◾ Ciliary neuralgia, < by lying on left side; pains in eyes back into head, extremely sharp ◾ great photophobia to natural and artificial light, < reading or writing; general lassitude; loss of appetite; constipation. 🔘 D.N.A ◾ Extremely irritable, discomfort in the morning. ◾Pulsating headache < 3pm-8pm,11am-1p.m < movement >lying down ◾Headache & nausea < wine. ◾Recurring cramps in calves. ◾Ocular fatigue, myopia ◾Pain in left shoulder 🔘 R.N.A ◾ Ugly character, can’t concentrate, bear ◾ desire to escape, tired, sleepy ◾ Sudden changes in weight ◾ Hypotension, ◾Articular pains in the shoulders and feet, vertebral column. ◾ Infection around the nails, fissures on the heels. ⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜ #GOOD_LUCK👍 ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ⬛ SOURSE : INTERNET. ⬛ NOTE : THESE NOTES ARE PREPARED ONLY FOR STUDY PORPOSE. ⬛ POSTED BY : TEAM HOMEOPATHY MCQS [ ONLINE HELPING HANDS FOR PREPRATIONS OF VARIOUS COMPITITIVE EXAMS IN HOMEOPATHY LIKE AIAPGET, UPSC, STATE PSC, NRHM EXAMS ETC ] ♦️ SINCE : 2014 - 15. 🏆 WITH EXCELENT RESULTS. 🏆 FOLLOW US 👇 🔳 TEAM HOMEOPATHY MCQS 🔳 ◾ WEBSITE :


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