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Updated: Nov 27, 2023


Dr. Rajendra Lal Dutt (1818-1889)

If Dr. Mahendra Lal Sircar may be called the 'Fosterer of Indian Homoeopathy' Babu Rajendra Lal Dutt may be called the father of Indian Homoeopathy, It was he who converted Dr. Sircar to Homoeopathy. It was he who brought Homoeopathy into high esteem of the elites of Bengal by curing illustrious Luminaries like Pandit Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar. Raja Sir Radhakanta Dev and score of Others.

He was born in the famous Dutt family of Wellington Square, Calcutta and amassed an immense fortune by dint of his personal talent in various philanthropic works and mostly for Homoeopathy. He died at the age of 71 years on june, 5, 1889, leaving Homoeopathy on a firm sound and wide footing.

Dr. Mahendra Lal Sircar (1833-1904)

Dr. Mahendra Lal Sircar, C,I,E,M,D,D,L, was not only the greatest homeopath of his time in India, but also a great scientist. Born on November 2, 1833 in Paikpara, a village 18 Miles west of Howrah, he was about five years Old When his father died, He appeared at the M.D. examination in 1863 and came out first.

He concentrated his life wholly and forever on the Propagation of the Principles of Homoeopathy. The Calcutta journal of Medicine, edited by him, was started in january, 1868 with the ostensible object of disseminating the seeds of Homoeopathy in every nook and corner of India, This journal greatly helped Homoeopathy to gain a firm footing in the land of his birth. In the field of physical science, Dr. Sircar has made a great contribution and was a 'pioneer of scientific research' in India. Dr. J.C. Bose and Dr. P.C.Ray were also inspired by him. Recurrent malarial fever and bronchial asthma clouded the evening of his life and he died on February 24, 1904.

Dr. Pratap Chandra Majumdar

Dr. Pratap Chandra Majumdar took his L.M.S. degree from calcutta Medical college in 1878 and later got honorary degree of M.D. from U.S.A. Converted to Homoeopathy by his father in law, Dr. B.L. He fortified his grasp on Hahnemannian Homoeopathy as the worthy assistant to Dr. L. Salzer for a pretty long time. Later he amassed immense fortune simply by the practice of Homoeopathy.

He Proved a number of indigenous drugs, wrote a large number of books in English and Bengali which still inspire thousands of homeopaths. He edited the 'Indian Homoeopathic Review' the second oldest Homeopathic journal in India after Dr. Mahendra Lal Sircar, s Calcutta Homoeopathic journal, He attended the fourth international Homeopathic congress held in Chicago in June 1891. In collaboration with Dr. D.N. He established the Calcutta homeopathic Medical college in 1881 and maintained it till his death. He expired on October 22, 1922 leaving behind not only huge wealth and Properties, but also two successive generations of gems in the homeopathic field.

Dr. Father Muller (1841-1910)

Father August Muller S.J. was born in Westphalia, Germany on March 13, 1841. As a student he suffered from various ailments, which baffled the skill of the allopathic physicians. He was thus compelled to have recourse to Homoeopathy, and by the help of this system he recovered his health. This Instilled in him a deep interest and faith in Homoeopathy. With the noble object of relieving the sufferings of others he took seriously the study of Homoeopathy in the U.S.A. and France and acquired proficiency in it.

In 1879, Fr. Muller arrived at Mangalore and joined as a teacher in the st. Aloysius School. Besides teaching he also engaged himself in looking after leapers and distributing homeopathic medicines to those who used to come to him for medical assistance. He opened a Homoeopathic Dispensary at Kankanady in 1880.

In 1891, he started St. Joseph's Leprosy Hospital and Asylum to house and treat the Poor and abandoned leprosy patients of Mangalore and south Kanara Districts. In 1895, he started building up a General Hospital. Even in the midst of all this work, Building up, expansion and devoted service to the sick. Fr. Muller found time for writing and publishing many useful books on Homoeopathy and the tissues remedies.

In 1897, Fr. Muller received the secret formula of the 'Soleri-Bellotti Specifice' from the Father General of the Society of Jesus. These are now known as father mallen's Specifics, all over India and abroad.

When Mangalore was badly hit by bubonic plague and the people were dying in thousands every day, Fr. Muller started a Plague Hospital at Mangalore. The then British Government highly appreciated this work and awarded him with the Kaiser-E-Hind silver medal. Early in 1910, he was attacked by asthma which brought on cardiac trouble and on November 1, 1910 he passed away peacefully.

Dr W. Younan

Dr. W. Younan, M.B.C.M. (Edin) was the son of a police officer in Calcutta who hailed from syria. He took his medical degree from Edinburgh University in 1882. He was converted to Homoeopath Dr. B.N. Banerjee. He was a master-prescriber and he widely popularized homeopathy and had thousands of disciples and devotees throughout Bengal and other parts of India. He brought Pandit Motilal Nehru into the fold of homeopathy by curing his obstinate rhinitis, baffling all other treatments. He never tolerated slightest deviation from Hahnemannian Principles. He was the Dean of the Calcutta Homeopathic Medical College and president of the Calcutta Homoeopathic Hospital Society and presided over the First All Bengal and Assam Homoeopathic Conference held in Calcutta in 1931. He expired on October 23, 1932 at the ripe age of 73 years.

Dr Suresh Chandra Sen (1880-1968)

Late Rev. Dr. Suresh Chandra sen. M.D. was a man of Philanthropic ideals, and indefatigable energy. He was born on August 1, 1880 in Dacca District of earth while Bengal. The Government Homoeopathic Sanatorium, Nowgaon, Madhya Pradesh owns its growth to his philanthropic efforts. His achievements are the establishment of Homoeopathic Santorium, appointment of Homeopathic doctors in state medical services, creation of a post of Asstt. Surgeon for Homoeopathy in class-II Gazetted cadre, a status at par with allopathy in madhya pradesh Medical Services, decision of the state Govt. for establishment of a state Degree college of Homoeopathy. establishment of the Board of Homoeopathy, and Biochemic systems of medicine in M.P. in 1951, and publication of Journal of M.P. Homoeopathic Board. He went to America in 1906 When the homeopathic system of treatment was at its peak, he studied Homoeopathy and graduated from Philadelphia. After returning to India, Dr. Sen started practice at calcutta. Later he practiced at Rajpur, Bilaspur, and lastly at jabalpur where he reached his acme of life.

He was the second President of the M.P. Homoeopathic Board after the demise of Dr. K.L. Daftari in 1956, and after the recognition of the states he was the chairman of the Medicines. In 1959 when the state Govt. reconstituted the Board after the reorganization, he was nominated as the President of the Board, the office which he held till 1962. The passing away of Dr. S.C. Sen on March 26, 1968 is an irreparable loss. In him we lost a great philosopher, pioneer, creator and a guide.

Dr. K.L. Daftari (1880-1956)

Dr. Keshav Laxman Daftari was born on November 22, 1880. Helearnt Sanskrit, mathematics and Astronomy from shri S.K. . He graduated in Arts and Law and joined the Bar in the year 1905. He discarded legal practice and joined the national non-cooperation movement. He pursued his Researches in 'Hindu Astronomy' and Ancient History which won him wide acclaim and for this brilliant work, he was awarded the honorary degree of D. Litt by Nagpur University. He also studied Ayurveda. He was deeply impressed by the logic of Hahnemann and took to the practice of Homoeopathy as a profession. He was a member of the calendar committee appointed

By the Government of India. Dr. K.D. Daftari was a pioneer in the field of Homoeopathy in Vidarbha region of India. In 1950 he became the first Chairman of the Board of Homoeopathic & Biochemic System of Medicine in the erstwhile Madhya Pradesh state. He has written several books on Homoeopathy. He died on Feb. 19, 1956

Dr M.N. Pillai (1882-1942)

Dr. M.N. Pillai was born on April 4, 1882 at Trivandrum. He passed a four year's course in Homoeopathy from Calcutta and set up practice in Cochin at the age of twenty four. Dr. Pillai's homeopathic drugs were so effective that in the matter of cholera alone, he was nicknamed cholera doctor. In the Legislature he worked for the recognition of the homeopathic system of medicine and establishment of homeopathic dispensaries and hospitals by the Government.

On April 17, 1928 he Piloted a resolution in the Legislative Assembly demanding recognition by the Government of the homeopathic system of Medicine which was passed with a great majority. His most important work was the Publication of an exhaustive book in Malayalam entitled What is Homoeopathy. His ambition was to start free dispensaries and a nursing home to give a new impetus to the cause of this system of medicine in his state. While he was working towards this end, his health deteriorated and he expired on March 1942

Dr L.D. Dhawale (1884-1960)

Dr. L.D Dhawale was born at Bandara on july 21, 1884 He took his B.A degree of the Allahabad University from the Morris college in 1908. He then become a tutor in Pathology and later on an Honorary physician at the K.E.M. Hospital, Bombay. He was a very thorough going and hard taskMaster. Once his father became seriously ill with a carbuncle on his back. He obtained a copy of Allen's Handbook of Materia Medica and Managed to find the right remedy. Cure. Though slow, soon followed. Then he became a convert to Homoeopathy. His homeopathic learnings brought him into conflict with his superiors. He was a self made homeopathic physician and knew well the difficulties that beset the path of self made homeopaths. He therefore established the Homoeopathic Post-graduate Association in 1931. He also wrote two book lets: the Difficulties in Homoeopathic practice, and Homoeopathy- Its Principles and Tenets.

He was a past-master in the clinical use of the card Repertory and his Introduction to the 6th edition of Boger,s General Analysis, helped to popularize the work. He was appointed by the Government of India in 1948 on the Homoeopathic Enquiry Committee. He was the first Hony. Physician and superintendent of the Govt. Homoeopathic Hospital Bombay. He took ill in Feb 1959 and Passed away on Dec. 10, 1960

Dr Diwan Jai Chand (1887-1961)

Dr. Diwan Jai Chand was born on July 3, 1887 in Bahawalpur state (now in west Pakistan) and Bahawalpur state (now in west Pakistan) and had his initial medical education at the K.E. Medical College Lahore. He left for the U.K. in 1910 and returned in 1913 after passing L.R.C.P L.R.C.S. (Edin), L.R.F.P & S. (Glas) D.P.H.(Edin), D.T.M. (Liv.) L.M. (Dub). On return from U.K. he joined service with the Punjab government as dy. Sanitary commissioner in the public Health department, one of the first Indians to be appointed to that high post. He resigned soon after and started a clinic at Lahore in 1915. He soon converted to Homoeopathy.

For sometime he was the president of the Punjab homeopathic league at Lahore. He was the founder and principal of National Homoeopathic college in Lahore in the early twenties but had to close it down after some years for want of enough trained personnel to man it. After the independence of the country in 1947, he had to shift to Delhi as a refugee and established his clinic in New delhi. He was president of the All- India Institute of Homoeopathy, Delhi Branch, for some. years. He also founded and edited an excellent Journal, Health and Homoeopathy. In 1952 he was appointed a member of the Ad-Hoc Committee on Homoeopathy, Which in 1952 became the Homoeopathic Advisory Committee of the Ministry of Health, Govt. Of India, in which he continued to be a member till his death. He passed away on May 14, 1961.

Rai Bahadur Bishambar Das (1891-1965)

Rai Bahadur Bishambar Das was born on March 21, 1991 in a small village of Ludhiana in Punjab. Starting from a modest situation in the Central secretariat of the Government of India he rose to a high position and became so popular that, to recognise his services to the ailing patients a road has been named after him in New Delhi With no Pretension of high academic attainment, Rai Bahadur Bishambar Das was Primarily a self-made and self-taught man. His command over English was of a high order. He will be long remembered for his wit, and sense of humanity.

His zeal for philanthropic work and to serve the poor ailing community led him to learn Homoeopathy from his gurus in his spare time. He started independent practice in Homoeopathy in early twenties. His devotion coupled with the passion of Public service made Homoeopathy his second profession. He was one the pioneers, who made homeopathic treatment popular in the country. Working with a missionary real, he gave free treatment and medicines to the ailing hundreds who thronged his charitable Dispensary. He also imparted training to up coming homeopaths. Hopeless cases found success in his healing touch. His reputation survives and hundreds of patients daily visit the Dispensary established by him. In order to make homeopathic treatment popular and within reach of even the poorest of the poor, he wrote the book 'Select our Remedy', which is based on his 45 years experience. He died in New Delhi on July 12, 1965 at the age of 74.

Dr. M. Gururaju (1897-1963)

Dr. M. Gururaju was born on June 28, 1897. In the beginning he had to work as a school teacher, but later he took his Allopathic Degree in 1922. He set up his practice at Gudivada in 1924 and being the first qualified allopathic practitioner in the Taluk he soon became popular as a very capable practitioner. By and by he started taking part in the struggle for Independence and went to jail in 1932. On his release from jail he discarded allopathy and started his new life by starting as a homeopathic practitioner. Later on, he went to the U.S.A. for post-graduate training in Homoeopathy and met a chance to serve for some time under some of the great homeopathic stalwarts like Dr. Woodbury, Dr. Roberts, Dr. Spalding and Dr. (Mrs.) Elizabeth Hubbard.

Dr. Gururaju was also elected to the Gudivada Municipal Council twice and was the President of the A.P. Homoeopathic Association. With great zeal and courage he started the Andhra Provincial Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital at Gudivada in 1954 which was recognised by the A,P. Government in 1958. He was the President of the Second All-India Homoeopathic. Congress held at Lucknow in 1951. Later on, he was nominated to the Homoeopathic Advisory Committee which was set up by the Government of India in 1958. He also had the honor of being a member of the Expert Homoeopathic Committee, which was setup by the A.PGovernment in 1954 and a Member of the Ad-hoc Syllabus Committee and the Pharmacopoeia Committee in the Centre, and a Member of the Andhra Board for Homoeopathy since 1956. After the death of this noble soul, the A.P. Government renamed the Andhra Provincial Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital as "Dr. Gururaju Govt. Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital") Gudivada which is a living monument to his achievements and services.

Dr. N.M. Jaisoorya (1899-1964)

Dr. N.M. Jaisoorya was born to illustrious parents. Dr. (Major) M. G. Naidu and Mrs. Sarojini Naidu at Hyderabad on September 26, 1899. He graduated in the Orthodox Medicine from the Grant Medical College, Bombay, Later on, he left for Edinburgh from where he went on to Berlin and secured his M.D. from Berlin University. He accidently came across some homeopathic books and created deep interest in their studies. With the result, he opened a Homoeopathic Clinic in 1934-35. He founded the Andhra Pradesh Homoeopathic Association and was its first President. He fought for the recognition of the-homeopathic system of medicine in the country in general, and Andhra Pradesh in particular, and gave valuable recommendations to the Government of India and the state government on the teaching of homeopathy and establishment of the homeopathic hospitals he was also the president on the occasion of the all. India homeopathic medical association Delhi. Dr. Jaisoorya opened a Leprosy Asylum at Vikarabad which is a monument of his selfless services to the suffering humanity. He was planning to go to Russia for the treatment of his eyes and at the same time wanted to learn the technique of 'tissue therapy in the Filtoy's Clinic, but death snapped him away in 1964 and deprived all of us of the supreme opportunities of knowing of various allied branches of medicine.

Dr. B. K. Sarkar (1901-1981)

Dr. B. K. Sarkar was born on December 27, 1901. He graduated in medicine from Calcutta University in 1925 and was appointed House Physician to the Carrmichael Medical 'College Hospital (now known as R. G. Kar Medical College & Hospital) during the years 1925 to 1927, Throughout his academic career he secured many scholarships and prize like Aghore prakash scholarship Nandalal Scholarship Rakhal Ghosh prize Silver Medal in Physics and Botany for standing first in each of the subject, 'Gold Medal' in medicine for standing first in medicine 'Honour Certificates' in Physiology and Materia Medica etc. He started his private allopathic practice at Calcutta in 1928, Later he was attracted to Homoeopathy and took the homeopathic practice in 1935.

From then on he served in many homeopathic institutions in different capacities as. Professor of Homoeopathic Materia Medica and Organon, as Principal of D. N. De Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Calcutta and of The Midnapore Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital.

He also served as a member in different committees appointed by the Government of India, viz. The Homoeopathic Advisory Committee, The Homoeopathic Education Sub-committee, The Homoeopathic Sub-committee of the Drugs Control Technical Advisory Board, apart from his being the Chairman of The Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia Committee. Known for his learning and erudite writings he contributed to many homeopathic journals published throughout the world and he was ex-editor of the 'Hahnemann', a homeopathic monthly journal in Bengali and the 'Hahnemannian Gleanings', a sisters homeopathic monthly journal in English. He also edited for some time two other homoeo- pathic monthly journals : The 'Homoeopathic, Herald' and the 'Homoeopothic chikitsa' (in Bengali)- Among his works the following may be mentioned : 'A Critical Commentary on Organon', 'Essentials of Homoeopathic Philosophy', 'Homoeopathic Prasanga' (in Bengali), 'Drug Relationships, Up-to-date with Nosodes,' Essays on Homoeopathy. He passed away on February 6, 1981 at the ripe age of 80 years.

Dr. D. N. Chatterjee (1903-1961)

Dr. D. N. Chatterjee was born in 1903 at Bejagaon in Vikrampore now in Bangladesh. He graduated from Bengal. Allen Homoeopathic Medical College. He then became a Professor in the D.N.B Homoeopathic College. In 1927, he founded a pharmacy, the 'Bengal Homeo Stores'. In 1928 he started the publication of a homeopathic journal, titled 'Homoeopathic Bulletin. He wrote a number of books amongst which may be mentioned : Family Physician Drugs of India, Biochemistry, Treatment of Female Diseases, etc. He was for some time the Vice-President of the Indian Homoeopathic Medical Association and International Hahnemannian Society of India. He was that member of the Executive Committee of the State Homoeopathic Faculty, and the Principal of D.N. De Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital (Formerly Dunham College). He passed away on Nov. 29, 1961.

Dr. Bankim Choudhary (1904-1977)

Dr. Bankim Choudhury, founder of Midnapore Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital and Kharagpur Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital and torchbearer of homeopathic science in Midnapore District, was born at Jhantla, in the District of Midnapore on June 9,1904. He had his academic education in Hindu School, on completion of which he went to Bankura to study allopathic medical science at Bankura Sammilani Medical College and Hospital. He was conferred L.M.F. in 1928 from that institution. During his studies he used to enjoy a scholarship from Midnapore District Board. Dr. Chowdhuri was successful in his medical profession ; still he forsook allopathic practice

in the interest of finding out more truth in Homoeopathy. The miraculous effect of one dose of Solidago-virga given to his dying father during his urinary trouble, absolutely converted him into a homeopath, Thus Dr. Chowdhliri came out successful with flying colors in homeopathic science from State Faculty of Homoeopathic Medicine, West Bengal in the year 1944, as a D.M.S. Soon after that he opened a Charitable Homoeopathic Dispensary in Midnapore : town. To this he added a College of Homoeopathic Medicine, which was followed by a Hospital at the same place. He was conferred Honorary M,D. by the Council of Homoeopathic Medicine, West Bengal in recognition of his valiant fight and sacrifice for Homoeopathy in 1975. He founded Kharagpore Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital at the fag end of his life along with several health centres in the rural areas. He held the membership of the Council of Homoeopathic Medicine, West Bengal from its inception till his demise. Death came to him with silent foot-steps and he faced fate with a smiling countenance on April 5, 1977, but his yeoman service to the homeopathic science will live forever and speak of his glory to posterity for ages to come.

Dr. Y. R. Murty

Dr. Y. R. Murty, a 'pioneer of Homoeopathy in the South and Founder-Architect' of the Indian Institute of Homoeopaths and Bahola Group concerns, was born in a village near Tiruvarur on October 20, 1904. Even when he was very young, it was his ambition to become a doctor and serve the sick and the suffering. But his financial conditions did not permit him to join a medical college. He proceeded to Bombay where one of his sisters got a violent attack of pneumonia complicated with peritonitis. Since allopathic doctors were not hopeful about her recovery, on the advice of one of his friends, she was administered homeopathic medicines and she got well. Consequently, he became interested in homeopathic science and went on reading books on it. In 1939, he founded the Indian Institute of Homoeopaths, To cater to the needs of the practicing students and to make available standard homeopathic medicines at a reasonable cost to the homeopathic profession and the public at large, he started a Pharmaceutical Laboratory managed by a qualified person. Today the Institute functions with its own research and clinical laboratories, out-patient and in-patient hospitals, and a factory manufacturing medicines to accurate standards.

In token of his meritorious service for the cause of Homoeopathy, he was awarded the title 'Homoeopathic Chikitsa Achary" (H.C.A.) by Dr. Swami Sivandanda of the Yoga Vedanta Forest University, Rishikesh, and the D.H.O.M. Diploma by the Registrar of Homoeopathic Practitioners, England. Dr. V. R. Murty was an able physician and had treated successfully a number of cases declared hopeless by others. He propagated the science of Homoeopathy as widely as possible and his demise is no doubt a great loss to Homoeopathy in India.

Dr. K. N. Mathur (1906-1977)

On April 10,1906, a great homeopath was born at Allahabad in the family of educationists, doctors and a highly cultured family of Mathur Kayasthas; he was Dr.K.N., Mathur (Kailash Narain Mathur) M.B., B.S., M.F. Horn. (London). He took his M.B., B.S. degree from Lucknow Medical College in the year 1933 At the call of the nation during World War II he joined the emergency Military Commission in 1939 and continued to serve the army till 1948.

He worked ceaselessly for promoting homeopathic understanding, its uplift and for its due recognition from the Govt. As Secretary of the Delhi Homoeopathic Medical Association for 10 years, he organized meetings and sought interviews with proper Govt. authorities, including the President of India, In the year 1958, he went to England and did his M.F, Hom, On returning to India in 1960 he joined the A.H. Medical College Kottayam in Kerala as Professor of Pathology and Medicine. After 5 years with College, at the call of Dr. Yudhvir Singh, he came back to Delhi and organized the Nehru Homoeopathic College and Hospital at Defence Colony, New Delhi. He was the author of the following books : 1. Diabetes Mellitus, 2. Organon, 3. Repertory, 4, Pathology, 5. Systematic Materia Medica, 6. Principles of Prescribing. He died on January 28, 1977, due to sudden heart failure.

Dr. Jnanendra Nath Majumdar (1907-1978)

Dr. Jnanendra Nath Majumdar was born to Dr. Jitendra Nath Majumdar on September 15, 1907, He was a highly qualified doctor of our age who "had the honor of being an M.Sc.,M.B. (Cal), F.R.C.S. (Eng) and D.M.S. (Cal). Dr. Majumdar had a brilliant career all along his student life. After finishing his housemanship after graduation in medicine, from the then Carmichical Medical College (Present name—R.G. Kar Medical College), he obtained F.R.C.S. from England with credit.

He was interested in Homoeopathy from the very infancy as per his family tradition since his Grandfather Dr. Pratap Chandra Majumdar, one of the pioneers of Homoeopathy in India. Just on returning from England, he took to practice of pure Homeopathy and obtained D.M.S. in due course of time, by passing T.C.D.M.S. examination of the State Faculty of Homoeopathic Medicine, West Bengal. He had an outstanding grasp on the teachings of the 'Organon', from a scientific point of view, and was all along engaged in teaching Homoeopathy. He was a leading member in the various committees for Homoeopathy, constituted by the Government of India, since the very first the Homoeopathic Enquiry Committee (1948). He was the president of All India Homoeopathic Medical Association of India from 1966 to 1968. He tried seriously for the amalgamation of the two all India organizations; he died on November 29-1978.

Dr. R.M. Banerjee (1919-1977)

Dr. R.M. Banerjee was born on November 28 1919 at Varanasi. He completed his school life in U.P., but at the sudden expiry of his father, had to start earning as a hawker. After having attained some qualification in homeopathic science he entered into practice in 1935 at Etawah in U.P. In 1938 he joined the Second World War. During his army life, once he was court for protesting against the British Government partially in privileges, which were ultimately withdrawn. He also participated in anti-British Government activities and had been sent to jail. He resigned from the army with six medals one 'Jangi Inam', as Viceroy's Commissioned officer in 1947. He started homeopathic practice in Jabalpur in 1947-48. He was a strict and whole-hearted follower of Hahnemannian Homoeopathy. He, with his associates, formed a Homoeopathic Association at Jabalpur in 1962. He was the founder father of Homoeopathic Medical College and Homoeopathic Medical Education in Jabalpur. A man of strict discipline, punctuality, and hard workmanship departed from this world on April 9,1977.

Dr. P. Sankaran (1922-1979)

Dr. P. Sankaran was born on November 15, 1922. He was almost a gifted personality right from his early childhood. Besides having various medical qualifications in the country he did his D.F. Hom. in 1956 from London and D-HT (Honorary) in 1965 from U.S.A He remained associated with various institutions in India as lecturer, examiner and member of the various Committee, Colleges, Boards etc. As he was a very capable journalist so remained Chief Editor of the Journal of Homoeopathic Medicine He had the "privilege of being the corresponding member of the British Homoeopathic Faculty, a delegate to the International Homoeopathic Research Council, New York and Representative from India at the International Homoeopathic Congress held in London in 1956 as well as Inter-continental Homoeopathic Convention held at Philadelphia in 1965, a Delegate to the International Homoeopathic Congress held at London in 1965. He was a member of the Central Homoeopathic Research Institute Committee which was set up by the Government of India. He also conducted drug-provings on Aqua Marina, Hirudo Officinalis, Pituitary, etc. His active association and patronage were available almost all over the country in the field of homeopathic system of medicine. He published more than hundred papers in various homeopathic journals of the world besides some booklets such as : Pocket Repertory, Card Repertory, Homoeopathic Pharmacy, Recent Research and Advances in Homoeopathy, Clinical Relationship of Remedies, Prophylactics, Case Taking, Homoeopathy and Surgery, Materia Medica, Symptomatology, Bowel Nosodes, Dietetic Restrictions, Potency Problem and many other useful publications. He died on January 20, 1979 at the age of 56 years.









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