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🔲 MIASM THEORY 🔲 ◼️ The word 'Miasm' has originated from the Greek word Miasma which literally means upto Hahnemann's time many things , including polluting exhalations , malarial poison etc. ◼️ “Miasm” stems from the greek word for pollution, stain, to pollute. ◼️ Miasma according to Dr Filip Degroote, is ▪️1. Noxious exhalations from putrescent organic matter; poisonous effluvia or germs polluting the atmosphere. ▪️2. A dangerous, foreboding or deathlike influence or atmosphere including a thick vaporous atmosphere or emanation. ▪️3. A poisonous atmosphere formerly thought to rise from swamps and putrid matter and to cause diseases. ▪️4. A poisonous vapor or mist believed to be made up of particles from decomposing material (from dead bodies or excrements)that could cause disease and could be identified by its foul smell. 🔳 DEFINITION : ◾️ Miasm refers to the dynamic disease-producing power which stains and pollutes the human organism with unhealthy tendencies and thus becomes the producer of different types of diseases. ◾️ Stuart Close in his "Genius Of Homeopathy" remarks : " A miasm is , according to Hahnemann , and to most of his followers , an infecting agent and a cause of disease." ◾️ Sir John Weir in his book " Science Of Homeopathy " remarks : "By miasm , Hahnemann means germ-disease." ❇️ ORIGIN OF CONCEPT : ❇️ ◾️ It required about twelve years for Dr. Hahnemann to discover and gather together the evidence upon which he came to his conclusions: ◾️ That, epilepsy, insanity, cancer, Bright’s disease and every other case of so-called diseases are only one of the result of disease, and never appears twice alike and have all had a beginning and one beginning. ◾️ That, the short acting apsoric medicines were able to cure only a single manifestation of disease, a group of symptoms or they would relieve for a time and then the symptoms would come back; although he had followed up the treatment to the best of his knowledge. ◾️ That, the individual case has been steadily progressing and have not struck at the root of the trouble. ◾️ That, the state which Dr. Hahnemann used the word “Miasm” in the sense of ‘Chronic Syndrome’. ❇️ TYPES OF MIASM : ❇️ Broadly the miasms may be of two types : 1. Acute miasm . 2. Chronic miasm. 🔲 ACUTE MIASM : ◾️Acute miasm is a dynamic disease - producing power which causes acute , specific , infectious epidemic disease having almost fixed manifestation. ◾️Master Kent defies it as follows : " An acute miasm is one that comes upon the economy ,passes through its regular prodromal period , longer kor shorter , has its period of progress and period of decline and in which there is tendency to recovery". The acute miasms are again two types : ◾️ (a) Recurring type : It refers to that type of acute miasm which recurs in the same manner more than once in the life-time of a person. Example : Asiatic cholera , the plague of the Levant , yellow fever of the sea-coast (see sec 73 ). ◾️ (b) Non-recurring type or fixed miasm : It refers to that type of acute miasm which attacks persons once in a life-time. (see sec 73) Example : Smallpox ,measles , whooping-cough , the ancient smooth bright red scarlet fever of Sydenham , mumps. 🔲 CHRONIC MIASMS : ◾️Chronic miasms are the fundamental causes of chronic diseases. ◾️They produces chronic diseases and pre-dispose human beings to acute diseases. ◾️There are three types of chronic miasms viz. PSORA , SYPHILIS & SYCOSIS. ◾️ Aphorisms : ▪️Aph. 78. Real chronic diseases arise from the chronic miasms ▪️Aph. 79. Syphilis and sycosis ▪️Aph. 80-81. psora (read Chronic Diseases, published in 1828) ◾️The chronic miasms go on increasing and growing worse inspite of best mental and corporeal regimen and torment to the end of the human life. ◾️They are ineradicable by the Vital Force alone without proper medicinal treatment. 🔳 SYCOSIS This miasm is held to be responsible for many sexual and urinary disorders, and affections of the joints and the mucous membranes. Also those conditions worsened by damp weather and by contact with the sea. Thus arthritis and rheumatism, asthma, catarrhs, bronchitis, cystitis and warts are all regarded as partly or mainly sycotic in character. The wart came to be seen as the underlying archetype of this miasm as it is also held to be responsible for all warty excrescences and growths. Chief remedies are Thuja, Lycopodium, Natrum sulph, Causticum, Kali sulph, Staphysagria, Calc and Sepia amongst many others. 🔳 SYPHILIS This miasm is held to be responsible for many diseases of the nervous system, the blood and skeleton as well as a range of psychological disorders, including alcoholism, depression, suicidal impulses, insanity, loss of smell and taste, blindness, deafness and ulcerations. It is also associated with many heart conditions, some vesicular skin eruptions and diseases that have a definite nocturnal periodicity. Chief remedies are Arsenicum, Aurum, Mercury, Phosphorus and Lycopodium, Nitric acid, amongst many others. 🔳 PSORA The word Psora is derived from the Hebrew 'Tsorat' and Greek 'Psora' and means a groove or stigma. Hahnemann held that all non venereal chronic diseases are Psoric. That includes most diseases of a chronic nature, all skin diseases, most mental illness other than syphilitic ones, allergies, varicose veins, haemorrhoids, most dysfunctional diseases of organs and systems, etc. ◾️ He lists among others, catarrhs, asthma, pleurisy, haemoptysis, hydrocephalus, stomach ulcers, scrotal swelling, jaundice, swollen glands, cataract, diabetes, tuberculosis, epilepsy, fevers and suppressed urine as all being typically psoric manifestations. Plus, of course, the whole gamut of skin problems. ◾️Chief Psoric remedies he suggests include Sulphur, Natrum mur, Calc carb, Arsen alb, Lycopodium, Phosphorus, Mezereum, Graphite, Causticum, Hepar sulph, Petroleum, Silica, Zinc and Psorinum amongst many others. ◾️Hahnemann also claimed that Psora was the most ancient and insidious miasm, and that it was derived from skin eruptions of various types in the past, such as scabies (Itch), leprosy and psoriasis. These had been contracted by ancestors or in one's own early childhood. The suppression of these conditions especially through the use of ointments he held to be the primary cause of Psora. 🔳 TUBERCULAR MIASM ◾️Hahnemann grouped miasm into Psora, Sycosis and Syphilis. ◾️Tubercular is the fourth miasm, a combination of pseudo-Psora with Sycosis or Syphilis; it was defined by Close and Allen. ◾️Loading from heredity along with the predisposition determines the miasmatic evolution in disease. ◾️J. H. Allen introduced the tubercular miasm. ◾️In his book “The Chronic Miasms” he described psora, pseudopsora and sycosis. ◾️He stated that the miasms psora and syphilis gave rise to tubercular miasm and called it pseudopsora. ◾️He added that when sycosis is added to tuberculosis, it gives rise to a malignant hue. ❇️ CLASSIFICATION OF MIASM BY DR. S.P. DEY : ❇️ 🔲 ACUTE MIASM: Acute miasms, for specific diseases; eg. Miasm of Cholera, Pneumonia, Diphtheria etc. 🔲 Fixed miasms; eg. Miasm of Whooping cough, Small-pox etc. 🔲 Half-spiritual miasm; eg. Miasm of Measles, Chicken-pox, Scarlet fever etc. 🔲 HALF-ACUTE MIASM: eg. Miasm of Hydrophobia or Rabies. It takes a long time for the miasm to completely develop in the system, sometimes few months or years after the bite of a mad dog. But, when develop; the patient suffers as like an acute disease and quickly dies. 🔳 CHRONIC MIASM : 🔷 Psoric miasm, as half-spiritual miasm produce pathology of Psora. 🔷 Syphilitic miasm, produce pathology of Syphilis. 🔷 Sycotic miasm, produce pathology of Sycosis. 🔷 Drug miasm, produce pathology of Artifical Chronic Disease. 🔷 Accessary miasm of Cow-pox vaccine produce pathology of Vaccinosis.


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