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🔲 MENTAL DISEASES IN HOMEOPATHY 🔲 ❇️ MENTAL DISEASES ❇️ 🔳 DEFINITION : ◼️ MENTAL HEALTH (WHO)- it is a state of well being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential , can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully and is able to make a contribution to her or his community. ◼️ MENTAL ILLNESS (WHO) – mental disorders comprise a broad range of problems, with different symptoms. however, they are generally characterized by some combination of abnormal thoughts, emotions, behaviour and relationship with others. ❇️ THE UNTOLD STORY OF DR. HAHNEMANN ❇️ Hahnemann was “one of the earliest, if not the very first”[ibid] to advocate “treatment of the insane by mildness rather than coercion”. In fact it was on 2nd sept in the year 1793, that “Pinel made his first experiment of unchaining maniacs in the Bicetre” which was 15 months after Hahnemann had commenced treating Klockenbring. His cure of Klockenbring “cause a sensation” (Richard Haehl) at the time and certainly reveals him as the ORIGINATOR OF “entirely new methods in the treatment of mental patients ,independent of his famous contemporaries.” ❇️ CLASSIFICATIONS OF MENTAL DISEASES ❇️ ◾️ Hahnemann classified mental diseases into the following four types (§216, 221, 224, 225). 🔳 1. MENTAL DISEASES APPEARING WITH THE DECLINE OF CORPOREAL DISEASE WHICH THREATENS TO BE FATAL. (SOMATOPSYCHIC) ◾️ In this type of mental illness, the so-called corporeal disease declines that was previously present with a rapid increase of the psychical symptoms. Finally the corporeal symptoms lose all their dangers and improve. 🔳 2. MENTAL ILLNESSES APPEARING SUDDENLY DUE TO AN EXCITING CAUSE. ◾️ For example: Mental diseases like insanity or mania may suddenly break out as an acute disease in patient’s ordinary calm state from fright, vexation, the abuse of spirituous liquors etc. ◾️ These diseases may be considered as the sudden flaring of latent psora. The exciting factors are fright, vexation or abuse of spirituous liquors. 🔳 3. MENTAL DISEASES OF DOUBTFUL ORIGIN. ◾️ There are certain mental diseases (not quite developed) where it is difficult to ascertain whether they really arise from a corporeal affection or from psychological factors e.g. Fault of education, bad practices, corrupt morals, neglect of the mind, superstition or ignorance. 🔳 4. MENTAL DISEASES ARISING FROM PROLONGED EMOTIONAL CAUSES. (PSYCHO-SOMATIC) ◾️ There are few emotional diseases which originate and are kept up by some emotional causes, such continued anxiety, worry, vexation, wrong and the frequent occurrence of great fear and fright. In contrast to the first type, they are primarily psychological in origin. Here the body is slightly affected in the beginning, but in course of time they destroy the corporeal health, often to a great degree. ◾️ In § 230, Hahnemann said, ‘Indeed, I can confidently assert, from great experience, that the vast superiority of the homeopathic system over all other conceivable methods ofthe treatment is nowhere displayed in a more triumphant light than in mental and emotional diseases of long standing, which originally sprang from corporeal maladies or were developed simultaneously with them’. ◾️ These diseases are somatopsychic i.e. which arose from the physical diseases and culminated into psychical diseases. ❇️ TREATMENT: AS PER CLASSIFICATION GIVEN BY DR HAHNEMANN ❇️ ⬛ MENTAL DISEASES OF CORPOREAL ORIGIN ( APHORISMS 217-220) ◾️ Aph 217– Totality should be formed by a combined picture of mental and physical symptoms. ◾️ Aph 218-Patient condition of health prior to become one sided disease must be ascertained from friend. ◾️ Aph 220-Antipsoric to be prescribed from the very beginning covering both physical and mental symptoms. ⬛ MENTAL DISEASES (INSANITY OR MANIA) AS SUDDEN ACUTE DISEASES ( APHORISMS 221-223) ◾️ Aph 221– First treated with non-antipsoric medicines like (Aco,Bell etc) in highly potentised minute doses. ◾️ Aph 221– No time should be lost to complete the cure by prescribing antipsorics because such diseases arises as an outburst of latent miasmatic state. ◾️ Aph 222– Strict diet and regimen must be followed. ⬛ MENTAL DISEASES OF DOUBTFUL ORIGIN (APHORISM 224) ◾️ Aph -224 If mental diseases arouses from faults of education, bad practices, corrupt morals etc then it improves by friendly exhortation, consolatory arguments, serious representations and sensible advice. ◾️ Aph- 224 If mental diseases of corporeal origin then it will aggravate by such advices(as mentioned above). ⬛ MENTAL DISEASES OF EMOTIONAL ORIGIN (APHORISM 226-227) ◼️ Aph -226 When they are still recent and have not made great inroads into corporeal state then can be treated by Psychical remedy along with appropriate diet and regimen. ◼️ Aph -227 These are also psoric disease, so for there radical cure anti-psoric treatment should be given for security. 🔳 REFERENCES: ◾️Dudgeon R.E., Organon of Medicine, Fifth And Sixth Edition Combined, Samuel Hahnemann, B. Jain Publisher (P) Ltd. ◾️Hahnemann Samuel, The Lesser Writings Of Hahneman, New York, 1852 ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ⬛ SOURSE: INTERNET. ⬛ NOTE: THESE NOTES ARE PREPARED ONLY FOR STUDY PORPOSE. ⬛ POSTED BY: TEAM HOMEOPATHY MCQS [ ONLINE HELPING HANDS FOR PREPRATIONS OF VARIOUS COMPITITIVE EXAMS IN HOMEOPATHY LIKE AIAPGET, UPSC, STATE PSC, NRHM EXAMS ETC ] ♦️ SINCE : 2014 - 15. 🏆 WITH EXCELENT RESULTS. 🏆 FOLLOW US 👇 🔳 TEAM HOMEOPATHY MCQS 🔳 ◾ WEBSITE: ◾ TELEGRAM : ◾ FACEBOOK : ◾ WHATSAPP:

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