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šŸ”² LOGIC OF HOMEOPATHY šŸ”² šŸ”³ LOGIC ā—¾The word logic is derived from the Greek adjective ā€œLogikeā€ corresponding to the Greek word ā€œLogosā€ which means thought or word, idea, argument, account, reason, or principle as the expression of thought. ā—¾The use of the same word Logos to denote both thought and word to emphasize the close relation between thought and itā€™s expression in language. ā—¾Hence etymologically Logic is the science of thought as expressed in the language. šŸ”³ DEFINITIONS OF LOGIC šŸ”³ ā—¾Science of the operation of the understanding that the subservient to the destination of the evidence for the process itself advancing from known truths to unknown and all other intellectual operations insofar as auxiliary to this. ā€“ MILL. ā—¾The branch of philosophy that analyzes inference ā—¾Reasoned and reasonable judgment ā—¾The principles that guide reasoning within a given field or situation ā—¾A System of reasoning ā—¾The Art of reasoning ā—¾Science of reasoning ā—¾The Science of thought ā—¾The Science of the formal laws of thought ā—¾The Science of the understanding in the pursuit of the truth. ā—¾Use of ability in argument šŸ”³ HISTORY šŸ”³ ā—¾Many cultures have employed intricate systems of reasoning and asked questions about logic or propounded logical paradoxes. ā—¾In India the Nasadiya Sukta of the Rig-Veda (RV 10.129) ā—¾contains ontological speculation in terms of various logical divisions that were later recast formally as the four circles of catuskoti: ā€œAā€, ā€œnot Aā€, ā€œA and not Aā€, and ā€œnot A and not not Aā€. ā—¾Tharka, Vitharka & Kutharka are different forms of logic and argument. āš« CHINESE PHILOSOPHER GONGSUN LONG (325ā€“250 BC) ā—¾proposed the paradox ā€œ One and one cannot become two, since neither becomes two. ā—¾The first sustained work on the subject of logic which has survived was that of Aristotle. āš« ARISTOTLE (384 ā€“ 312 B.C) CAN BE CALLED AS THE FATHER OF LOGIC. ā—¾According to Aristotle Logic is the important Instrument for acquisition of genuine knowledge. ā—¾Logic is an elaboration of methods in search of all knowledge and it is called as science of sciences. ā—¾He was the founder of both Deductive and Inductive Logic. ā—¾Logic is concerned with thought forms and thinking process to achieve truth. ā—¾He was the first to conceive systematic treatment of correct inference. ā—¾His method of Logic has been explained in his book ā€œPrior Analyticus āš« LORD FRANCIS BACON (1561 ā€“ 1626 A.D) ā—¾formulated the new system of Logic in his book ā€œNovum Organumā€ to highlight the importance of inductive logic . ā—¾Before Lord Baconā€™s time, Logic was used principally as an instrument for argument and disputation. ā—¾Little or no attention were given to facts. ā—¾He demolished innumerable false systems and restored Logic to itā€™s true place as the guide to truth. āš« GEORGE WILHELM FRIEDRICH HEGEL (1770- 1831) : ā—¾One of His major work has been titled as ā€œScience of Logicā€. ā—¾He emphasized on the part to whole relationship. ā—¾He said any organic whole is more than mere sum of its parts. āš« JOHN STUART MILL (1806 ā€“ 1873 A.D) ā—¾He succeeded bacon emphasizing the practical utility of inductive logic in his book titled ā€œSystems of knowledgeā€ ā—¾It is theĀ  study of principles and methods of reasoning or arguments and conclusions. ā—¾Conclusions are formed from these arguments. ā—¾Aristotle was the first person to use useĀ  ā€œ logic ā€œ as the subject of reasoning. ā—¾TheĀ OrganonĀ is the standard collection of Aristotleā€™s six works on logic. ā—¾TheĀ Novum Organumis a philosophicalĀ workĀ by Francis Bacon. ā—¾In this he mentioned about different types of logic. ā—¾ImportantĀ  properties theĀ logical systems ā–¶ CONSISTENCYĀ  : āž” which means that no theorem of the system contradicts another. āž” it must not be subjected to changes ā–¶ VALIDITYĀ  : āž” the logic must be valid and true so that the inference acquiredafter the application of that logic will never go wrong. ā–¶ COMPLETENESSĀ  : āž” the logic must be complete in all aspects andnothing needs to be added to it. ā–¶SOUNDNESSĀ : āž” having the property of preserving truth. āž” it also describes the completeness and validity of the statement. āž” Logic is often divided into three parts, inductive logic, abductive logic, and deductive logic šŸ”³ TYPES šŸ”³ ā—¾1. Deductive Logic [ Formal Logic ] ā—¾2. Inductive Logic [Logic of Reality or Truth / Material Logic] šŸ”³ OTHER TYPES: ā—¾1.Informal logic: is the study of natural language arguments. The study of fallacies is an especially important branch of informal logic. The dialogues of Plato are a major example of informal logic. ā—¾2. Symbolic logic: is the study of symbolic abstractions that capture the formal features of logical inference. Symbolic logic is often divided into two branches, propositional logic and predicate logic. ā—¾3. Mathematical logic: is an extension of symbolic logic into other areas, in particular to the study of model theory, proof theory, set theory, and recursion theory. ā¬› INDUCTIVE LOGIC ā–¶It is also called ā€bottom-upā€ logic. ā–¶It is a scientific methode Ā that Ā proceeds by the process of induction. ā–¶it can be accepted only by experience. ā–¶hence the inductive logic is called the logic of truth and reality.Ā  ā–¶Lord Francis Bacon isĀ consideredĀ as the father of Inductive logic. ā–¶This procedure draws universal conclusion or inference from the experience based on particular premises. ā–¶This logic proceeds from particular premises to generalized or universal conclusions. ā–¶It derives a general conclusion from a particular examples. inductive reasoning allowsĀ  the possibility that the conclusion is false, even if all of the premises are true. EXĀ  :Ā  All of the swans we have seen are white. Therefore, all swans are white. ā¬› DEDUCTIVE LOGIC ā–¶It is also called ā€top-downā€ logic. ā–¶it is aĀ methodĀ of logic, a process of reasoning from "generalized premises to particularĀ inference". ā–¶here a particular conclusion is drawn from universal or general premises. ā–¶if the general premises is true, than the particular conclusion derived from this premise must also be true. ā–¶the conclusion of the deductive arguments never goes beyond the agreed general premise. ā–¶in this particular conclusions are made from universal general statement. ā–¶The conclusion derived at the end is necessarily true. EXĀ  :Ā  All oranges are fruits All fruits grow on trees Therefore, all oranges grow on trees ā¬› ABDUCTIVE LOGIC ā–¶It accounts for data description of a statement to a hypothesis that accounts for the reliable data and seeks to explain relevant evidence. EXĀ  :Ā Ā Ā  ā™¦ Data Statementā€”-the soil is wet Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  ā™¦ Hypothesisā€”ā€”it rained yesterday. Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  ā™¦ Inferenceā€”ā€“it rained yesterday thatā€™s the reason why the soil is wet. ā—¾Homoeopathy is based on inductive method of reasoning. This inductive logic requires ā–¶ EXACT OBSERVATION : ā—¾Hahnemannā€™s honest disappointment with practice of medicine made him to quit practice and he turned to translations. ā—¾HisĀ  observation on the effect of cinchona bark and experimentation with medicinal substances made him understand the ability of the drug to produce symptoms on one hand and the symptoms of the patient on the other. ā–¶ CORRECT INTERPRETATIONĀ  : ā—¾Thorough study of the phenomenon produced by the experiments or provings on different groups,age, sex reduced the probability of error in observation. ā–¶ RATIONAL EXPLANATIONĀ  : ā—¾Explaining the observed facts by referringĀ  them with known natural laws. ā–¶ Scientific constructionĀ  : ā—¾Putting the facts in such coordination that system reached shall agree with reality. ā—¾He applied the principles evolved from inductive reasoning and correlated them with experiments he conducted.Ā  ā—¾Hahnemann discussed about principles of homoeopathy, analysis of other modes of treatment,qualitiesĀ  and duties of a physician,proving of drugs on healthy humanbeings , classification of diseases, selection of remedy, dosage, causes of disease,and auxillary methods of treatment in his bookĀ  ORGANON OF MEDICINEĀ in the form of aphorisms. šŸ”³ UTILITY OF LOGIC šŸ”³ ā—¾Logic furnishes scientific knowledge of the principles of correct thinking by the observance of which truth is attained errors detected and avoided. Logic is the science of sciences. ā—¾Every science must conform to the general law of correct thinking with which Logic is concerned. ā—¾Logic is an intellectual discipline. ā—¾The study of Logic cultivates the power of abstract thinking and trains and develops the reasoning powers. ā—¾In Logic the Homoeopathic Physician not only can conduct his daily works with ease and facility but also can solve his most difficult and important problems šŸ”³ LOGIC AND ITS HOMOEOPATHIC APPLICATIONS šŸ”³ āš« INTRODUCTION: ā—¾Science is the application of principles to art and life. ā—¾The principles are deduced from facts by the exercise of reason. The setting is conducted according to fixed laws, which is our business to learn and apply. ā—¾Learn how to reason scientifically upon the facts of his department is as essential for the homeopathic Physician as it is for any other scientific man. ā—¾Analysis of the Organon of Hahnemann as well as of the history of Homoeopathy and the life of its founder shows clearly that Homoeopathy is a product of logic (both deduction and induction) applied to the subject of medicine. ā—¾Logic is essentially a tool for discoveries and advancement and not for argument. šŸ”³ RELATION BETWEEN LOGIC AND ORGANON šŸ”³ The semantics of ORGANON are simplified as: ā–¶A method of scientific investigation, ā–¶An instrument of thoughts, ā–¶A system of logic, ā–¶Literary work. It also means, ā–¶An organ or system. ā–¶A group of logical requirements for scientific inquiry or demonstration. ā–¶Any major work of an author which sets down many fundamental principles in that specific topic. ā–¶And hence logic and organon functions as one single unit and are inseparable and hence Homoeopathy from Logic. šŸ”³ FOUR METHODS OF INDUCTION IN SEARCH FOR THE CAUSE: šŸ”³ āš« METHOD OF AGREEMENT : in which a condition uniformly present is assumed to be probably a cause āš« METHOD OF DIFFERENCE : in which the happening of an event when a condition is present and its failure when a condition is absent lead to the assumption of that condition as a cause. āš« METHOD OF CONCOMITANT VARIATION : In which the simultaneous variation In similar the degree of condition and event establishes a causal relation āš« METHOD OF RESIDUES OR OF RESIDUAL VARIATIONS : where after subtracting from a phenomenon that part due to causes already established the remainder is held to be due to some other unascertained cause or to the known remaining causes. šŸ”³ MODERN STATISTICAL RESEARCH STUDIES AND LOGIC šŸ”³ The steps which are necessary to carry out a research study includes., ā–¶Formulating the research problem ā–¶Review of the literature ā–¶Formulation of the hypothesis ā–¶Decision on the research design ā–¶Decision On the sample is design ā–¶The collection of data (un prejudiced) ā–¶Analysis of the data ā–¶Testing of hypotheses ā–¶Generalization and interpretation ā–¶Research report are nothing but the steps of inductive methodology . ________________________________ ā¬› SOURSE: INTERNET. ā¬› NOTE: THESE NOTES ARE PREPARED ONLY FOR STUDY PORPOSE. ā¬› POSTED BY: TEAM HOMEOPATHY MCQS [ ONLINE HELPING HANDS FOR PREPRATIONS OF VARIOUS COMPITITIVE EXAMS IN HOMEOPATHY LIKE AIAPGET, UPSC, STATE PSC, NRHM EXAMS ETC ] ā™¦ļø SINCE : 2014 - 15. šŸ† WITH EXCELENT RESULTS. šŸ† FOLLOW US šŸ‘‡ šŸ”³ TEAM HOMEOPATHY MCQS šŸ”³ ā—¾ WEBSITE: ā—¾ TELEGRAM : ā—¾ FACEBOOK : ā—¾ WHATSAPP:

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