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💐Wishing you all on the occasion of birthday of our Master Dr Samuel Fredrick Christian Hahneman. ⭐️ HAPPY WORLD HOMOEOPATHY DAY ⭐️ ❇️ A TRIBUTE TO OUR MASTER DR. SAMUEL HAHNEMANN ❇️ ⏹ LIFE HISTORY OF DR. SAMUEL HAHNEMANN ⏹ ◼Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann ▪Date of birth 10th april 1755 at Saxony. ▪ Father Christian Gottfried Samuel Hahnemann ▪mother Johanna Christiana. ▪Name of house corner house. ▪ 1767-Admitted to town school at Meissen. ▪1770)-Joined prince school. While leaving school in 1775he wrote essay on wonderful construction of human hand. ▪1775-He left for Leipzig with 20 Thaler in his hand. ▪ 1777-He went to Vienna and worked with Dr.Vonquarin in brothers of mercy hospital. ▪1779-M.D was awarded for the work a consideration on aetiology and therapeutics of spasmodic affections ▪ 1779-81-Praciced in Hettstedt ▪ 1781-83-practiced at Dessau ▪ 1782 November 17 married to Johanna Leiopaldine Henriette ▪ 1783-Daughter Henriette was born ▪ 1784-89 Dresden ▪ 1786-on poisoning by arsenic (Essay) ▪ 1789-92- Leipzic ▪ 1790 –He translated Cullen;s treatise of Materia medica (2 volumes are there first one 468 and second 672 pages, published 1789 and 1790). He took 4 drachms of cinchona ▪ 1792-Friends of health published ▪1795-Handbook of mothers or principles on education of infants (Translation from French work of Rousseau) published ▪ 1803- On the effects of coffee, published ▪ 1805-10 at Torgau ▪ 1805-Medicine of experience ,Aesculapius in the balance published ▪ 1805 –Fragmenta de viribus medicamentorum positivis sive in sano corpore humano observatis ▪ was written in Latin contains 27 meidicine ▪1810-First edition of organon ▪ 1810-Berlin professor A.F.Hecker attacked organon by publishing Anti organon ▪1811-21 at Lepzic ▪ 1811 First volume of materia medica pura (Latin name Reine arzneimittellehre) contains 12 drugs ▪1816-second volume 8 medicines ▪ 1817-third volume 8 meidcines ▪ 1818-fourth volume 12 medicines ▪ 1819-fifth volume 11 medicines ▪ 1821-Sixth volume 10 medicine ▪ There are 6 volumes & 61 medicines plus 3 magnets in the first edition of materia medica pura. Among these 22 medicines are taken from fragmenta. Translated by Hempel. ▪1819-second edition of oragnon ▪ 1816-on treatment of burns published ▪ 1817-Examination of sources of common materia medica ▪ 1821-35 Koethen ▪ 1822 second augmented edition of materia medica pura was published. It appeared volume by volume like the first edition in the years 1822,1824,1825 (2volumes)1826 &1827. Each contains same list of medicines like the previous one except that Ambra grisea ,carbo animalis and vegetabilis was introduced in 6th volume.Thus it has 64 drugs plus 3 magnets. Translated by Dudgeon. ▪ 1824-Third edition of Organon ▪ 1828-30 appeared 4 volumes of chronic disease (die chronischen krankheiten). It contains 22drugs ▪1829-Fourth edition of Organon ▪ 1833-Fifth edition of Organon ▪1830 death of first wife Joahana leopardine Henriette ▪1834 Second marriage with Marie Melanie de harvilly ▪1835-paris ▪1835-39 Second edition of chronic disease was published in 5 parts & contain 47 drugs ▪1842.manuscript of sixth edition of Organon was complete ▪1843 July second Hahnemann died in house at Paris,no.1,Rue De Milan. For 9 days His wife Melanie kept the body and on 11th july body was buried in cemetery at Montmartre Hill. The Body was buried in a grave where already 2 bodies were buried(Body of Gohier a French leader and Her foster father LeThiere). His body was exhumed and re buried at Pere Lachaise on 24th may 1898. 35 persons were present in the reburial. His grand son Dr Suss Hahnemann also attendedthe reburial he was the only eye witness to the both burials. The inscription Hahnemann chose to be inscribed on the tomb was NON INUTILIS VIXI (not lived in vain). ▪He proved 99drugs. ▪1878-Second wife Melanie died.

🔳 HAHNEMANN AND HIS WORK & TRANSLATIONS 🔳 ▪️1777 - Translations of Nugent’s Experiment on Hydrophobia from English [150 Pages]         - Translations of Stedmann’s Physiological Experiments and Observations with Copper from English [134 Pages]         - Translations of Falconeri Experiment with Mineral Water and Warm Bath, from English [800 Pages]         - Translations of Ball’s Newer Art of Healing, from English ▪️1784 - Translations of Demacly’s Laboratory Chemist on the preparation of chemicals for manufacture as for Art, from French [1000 Pages] ◼ESSAYS ▪️1779 - Desertatio inaugur medic : Conrpectus adifectum sparmodicorum aetiologicus et thrapeuticus. ▪️1782 - The first small medical essays appear in Dr. Fr. Chr. Krebs, Quedlinburg “Medical Observation” ▪️1784 - Directions for curing old sores and ulcers. ◼TRANSLATIONS ▪️1785 - Translation of Demachy’s “Art of Distilling Liquor” from French [616 Pages] ▪️1787 - Translation of Demachy’s “Art of the Manufacture of Vinegar from French [176 Pages]         - “Signs of Purify and Adulteraion of Drugs” by B.Vanden. Sanden,a chemist in Brussels [350 Pages] ◼WORK ON CHEMISTRY ▪️1787 - Prejudice against heating with coal and ways improving this fuel etc.         - Preservation of mineral alkaline salt by means of potash and kitchen salt. ▪️1788 - The influence of certain gasses in the formentation of wine.         - Wine test in Iron & Lead.         - Concerning bile & gall stone         - A remedy of checking putrefaction ▪️1789 - Unsuccessful experiment with some new discoveries.         - Concerning Sulphate of Baryta.         - Discovery of a new constituent in Plumbago.         - Observation on the Astringent Properties of plant. ◼MEDICAL WORKS ▪️1786 - On poisoning by Arsenic : Its Treatment and Forensic detection [276 Page] ▪️1789 - Instruction for Surgeons on Veneral Diseases[272 Pages] ◼TRANSLATIONS ▪️1790 - Ryan.Enquiries in to the Nature and Cure of Phthisis from English [164 Pages]         - Fabroni , The Art of Making Wine in Accordance with Sennible Principles from Italian [278 Pages]         - Arth Young Anals of Agriculture ,from English[603 Pages]         - CULLEN, A TREATISE ON MATERIA MADICA, from English to German [1140 Pages] ▪️1791 - Monoro’s Materia Medica ,from English [952 Pages]         - Grigg’s precautionary measures for the Female sex, from English [285 Pages]         - Dela metheria on pure air and different kinds of air from French [1048 Pages]         - Rigby’s Chemical observation on sugar ,from English [82 Pages] ◼CHEMICAL RESEARCHES ▪️1790 - Minor Essays on various subjects         - Directions for the preparation of Mercury Solubilies. ▪️1791 - Insolubility of some metals and their oxides in caustic ammonia. ▪️1792 - Contribution to the wine test         - Preparation of Glauber’s Salts, according to the method of Ballen. ◼MEDICAL WORKS ▪️1790 - A method of check salivation and the destructive method of mercury [1091 Pages] ▪️1792 - The friend of Health [100 Pages] ◼WORKS ON CHEMISTRY ▪️1793 - Wine test continued.         - Preparation of Cassel Yellow ▪️1794 - Hahnemann’s new wine test and new liquor. ▪️1797 - Pulvarisation of Ignatia Beans. ◼MEDICAL WORK ▪️1795 - On Crusta Lactea         - The Friend Of Health ▪️1796 - Essay on a New Principle for ascertaining the curative power of drugs & Experiments ▪️1797 - A case of rapidly cured Colico dynia         - Antidotes to heroic vegetable substances.         - Some kind of continued and remittent fevers         - Some periodical & Hebdomadal diseases. ▪️1801 - Fragmentary observation on Brow’s Elements of Medicine.         - On the power of small dose of medicine         - Obsevation on three current method of treatment. ▪️1803 - On the effect of Coffee. ◼TRANSLATIONS ▪️1796 - Hand Book for Mothers ▪️1797 - Translation of Taplin’s Enquiry [691 Page] ▪️1798 - Translation of New Edinburgh Dispensatory [1211 Pages] ▪️1800 - Translation of Treasures Medica Minimum [412 Pages]         - Translation of Homes Practical Observations on cure of Strictures of Urethra by Caustics. ◼OWN ESSAYS & WRITINGS ▪️1806 - On Substitute for Cinchona         - What are Poisons? What are Medicines?         - Objection to the proposed substitute for Chinchona.         - Scarlet fever & Milliary purple fever.         - Medicine of Experience         - Albrecht V. Haller’s Materia Medica ▪️1807 - Homoeopathic Employment of Medicine in Ordinary Practice ▪️1808 - On the present want of medicines.         - On substitute for foreign drugs.         - On the value of Speculative System of Medicine ▪️1809 - Signs of times in ordinary system of medicine. ▪️1810 - Organon of Rational Medicine         - 2nd Edition – 1819 – Organon of the Art of Healing.         - 3rd Edition – 1824          - 4th Edition – 1829         - 5th Edition – 1833         - 6th Edition – 1921 ▪️1811 - Materia Medica Pura Part-I ◼ WORKS OF HAHNEMANN IN LEIPSIC ▪️1811 - 1821 - Materia Medica Pura Part- I - 1811 (3 Editions) Part- II – 1816 (3 Editions) Part- III- 1816 (3 Editions) Part- IV– 1818 (3 Editions) Part- V – 1819 (3 Editions) Part-VI – 1821 (3 Editions) ▪️1812 - Dissertations on Helleborismus Veratrum ▪️1813 - Spirit of New Medical Doctrine [626 Pages] ▪️1814 - Method of Treatment for New Prevailing Nerve & Hospital Fever. ▪️1816 - On Veneral Disease and Its ordinary improper treatment.         - On treatment of Burns ▪️1819 - On uncharitableness towards suicides. ▪️1820 - On the Preparation of Medicines by Homoeopathic Physicians themselves. ▪️1821 - Medical Advice in Purpura Milliaries. ▪️1828 - “IST VOLUME OF CHRONIC DISEASES” 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 POSTED BY: 🔳 TEAM HOMEOPATHY MCQS �

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