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🔲 GLOSSARY OF HOMEOPATHY TERMS 🔲 ◾ADAPTIVE RESPONSE – The body's complex ability to react to changes and stresses ◾ALLOPATHIC MEDICINES – Mainstream or conventional medical treatment of disease using drugs that produce opposite effects to signs and symptoms experienced by the patient ◾BOTANICAL MEDICINE – The use of plants for medicinal purposes, generally in the form of capsules, tinctures, or powders; also called herbal medicine ◾CENTESIMAL DILUTION – A homeopathic medicine produced by a series of dilutions of 1 part substance to 99 parts water or alcohol; referred to as a C potency ◾COMBINATION REMEDIES – Preparations made by combining 2 or more homeopathic medicines ◾COMPLEMENTARY AND ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE (CAM) – The U.S. National Institutes of Health defines "complementary" as the use of non-mainstream practice with conventional medicine; when non-mainstream practice is used in place of conventional medicine, it is considered "alternative" ◾CONSTITUTION – The overall health of the person as determined by heredity, life history, lifestyle, environment, and past treatments ◾CONSTITUTIONAL or CLASSIC HOMEOPATHY – The method of selecting medicines on the basis of a comprehensive understanding of the whole state and nature of the patient—rather than on only 1 symptom or acute incident—followed by a waiting period to evaluate the action of the treatment ◾DECIMAL DILUTION – A homeopathic medicine produced by a series of dilutions of 1 part substance to 9 parts water or alcohol; referred to as an X potency ◾DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS – Vitamins, minerals, probiotics, amino acids, and other nutrient-related products; regulated by the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994 ◾DILUTION – A very small quantity of a natural substance in diluent ◾HERBAL MEDICINE – The use of plants for medicinal purposes, generally in the form of capsules, tinctures, or powders; also called botanical medicine ◾HOMEOPATHY – A system of medicine that uses diluted substances to relieve symptoms ◾HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINES – Medicines based on the principles of homeopathy that help improve symptoms by supporting a patient's own natural healing response ◾HPUS – Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States; the official compendium for Homeopathic Drugs in the United States ◾INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE – Many definitions of "integrative" health care exist, but all involve bringing conventional and complementary approaches together in a coordinated way ◾LAW OF SIMILARS – The fundamental philosophy of homeopathy, which holds that a substance that causes a set of symptoms in a healthy person acts as a curative medicine when given to a sick person with similar symptoms; also known as the principle of "like cures like" ◾MATERIA MEDICA – Literally "materials of medicine" in Latin; refers to books that list individual homeopathic medicines and details for use ◾MODALITIES – In homeopathy, modalities are factors that make a person's overall health or a specific symptom better or worse (e.g., for weakness that is worse in the morning or a headache made better by cold applications, the modalities would be "worse in the morning" and "better by cold applications," respectively) ◾MOTHER TINCTURE – The first, standardized solution from which homeopathic dilutions are successively made; often designated as MT or 1X (10% original substance) ◾NATUROPATHIC MEDICINE – A distinct primary health care profession that emphasizes prevention, treatment, and optimal health through the use of therapeutic methods and substances that encourage an individual's inherent self-healing processes ◾POTENCY – The number of times a substance has been diluted and succussed (shaken) according to the strict rules of the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia; dilutions are expressed as decimal (X) or centesimal (C); the higher the potency, the less original substance in the finished product ◾REMEDIES – Another word for homeopathic medicines ◾SUCCUSSION – Part of the homeopathic manufacturing process in which a medicinal substance is diluted in distilled water or alcohol and vigorously shaken according to precise standards. ▪️SOURSE: INTERNET. ▪️NOTE: THESE NOTES ARE PREPARED ONLY FOR STUDY PORPOSE. ▪️POSTED BY: TEAM HOMEOPATHY MCQS FOLLOW US 👇 🔳 TEAM HOMEOPATHY MCQS 🔳 ◾ WEBSITE: ◾ TELEGRAM : ◾ FACEBOOK : ◾ WHATSAPP:

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